"My Life Rests In You!"

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Outskirts of South Panchala

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Outskirts of South Panchala

Devika pulled the reins of her horse as the cool breeze of Devi Ganga soothed her tired body. The journey of an entire day had drained off her energy. But she knew she could not give up to this physical fatigue.

She got down the horse and hid it behind a tree. Flambeaus were everywhere in the hands of guards who stood protecting the Pandava camp at the riverbank, illuminating the area enough.

Devika went close to the river once to check her disguise. She looked perfect as a foot soldier or messanger of Shivi in the pigeon-marked headpiece that hid her long hair. Partly amused at her own changed appearance, she adjusted the false moustache carefully.

Would Yudhishthira be able to recognise her in this form? A part of her could not help wondering.

Devika shook off the thought, reminding herself of the work at hand. First she needed to trace Shaivya. He was expected to have reached here much before, given that he had left Shivi a prahara earlier than her.

But where was he? Devika moved forward, keeping an alert eye on the tents. That one on her right! At the middle of five similar tents. Could it be Princess Draupadi's?

"Panchala Kumari, haven't you yet realized the complications of such a marital tie with five men? Why are you still stuck with them?"

It was a female voice. Devika paused. Who was that inside Draupadi's tent? How could some ordinary maid dare to speak thus with the Yuvarani of Hastinapura?

"Better you leave them and come with us. Yuvaraj Duryodhana is a much better husband than these imbecile Pandavas. He and his brothers and friends will make you happier." Devika heard again, frowning. She remembered how her own cousin and Jayadratha were planning to get Draupadi for them. Could these women be sent by them?

She was about to enter in but decided against, remembering her present male disguise. Also she was curious to hear what Draupadi would reply.

"You don't look like women of Kampilya. Who sent you?" Was Draupadi's first question. Devika heard her voice for the first time. It was calm and regal, just like a Queen should have.

"And whether I choose to stay with one man or five, why does that bother you people? Did I ever ask for your suggestions?"

"Rajkumari, we are your well..."

"My well-wisher can never try to break me away from the ones I love! Stop pretending and get back to whoever sent you, and tell them that I do not need others to tell me how my husbands are! And regarding who is better than whom, well, my husbands are not so mean to send messenger to other's wives with such an advice."

Devika inhaled deeply. Had she not been in male costume right now, she would have rushed to Draupadi to give her a tight embrace.

You won me, sister! You proved you deserved my Yudhishthira! Bhrata Krishna's choice can never go wrong!

Shaivyaa : Sword Of Justice ✓Where stories live. Discover now