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Potter's hut, Kampilya

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Potter's hut, Kampilya

"No!" Arjuna protested. "That is not possible! I cannot commit the sin of marrying before my eldest brother!"

"Worry not, Phalguna." Yudhishthira calmly uttered. "You will have no sin. I myself am giving you the permission of marriage. Your elder Vrikodara also married with my permission and no sin touched him. Hence, " he stared at Arjuna. "Take my word and marry the Princess."

Arjuna shook his head. "His situation was different, Jyeshtha. It was not an Arya marriage either, so these norms are not applicable there. I'm sure that even Bhrata Vrikodara will not marry in Arya rituals as long as you are unmarried. We cannot violate the Vedic norms thus!"

"Then what else is the way, brother?" Yudhishthira sounded helpless now.

"It is the only fair way that I can see. Do not throw me into more confusion now!"

Arjuna did not reply. His brow arched in worries. It was an awkward pause. The other Pandavas too were unable to understand what they should do in this situation. Neither did Kunti see a right solution.

Yudhishthira tried his best not to glance on the Princess whose very presence was making his heart race faster from the moment when they met. He did not know why he felt that irresistible pull towards her, despite of knowing that her hand was just won by his own little brother. He could not just explain why he could not think of her as a younger sister-in-law. And even more shocking, why couldn't he find adharma in the words his mother had uttered?

What a strange attraction is this?

An amused Draupadi observed all of them, a smile playing on her full red lips. She could read the thoughts of all five men who stood in front in their faces. She could see that each one of them was already besotted with her. Each was helpless in his own feeling of attraction towards her, yet trying hard to suppress it just for the sake of social norms. She laughed to herself.

"Keep in mind, Sakhi, that they do not remember anything due to the curse!" Krishna had reminded her before she left the palace. "You only have to do something."

"No worries, Sakha! I'll handle!" She assured Krishna.

Now the time had come. Draupadi thought, and stepped forward.

"May I say something, Brahman Kumar?" She softly intervened. All the five pairs of eyes turned to her together.

"You all have been tired enough after the whole day-long journey and fights." She said with smile. "I'm sure you have not even eaten anything yet. So I think it will be better if you take some rest along with your evening meal first. That might help you to find a solution soon."

Yudhishthira's lip curved into a slight smile. Draupadi's concern for them was touching.

Wasn't it natural for her to hate all of them after what had happened? Still she was so gentle, so caring for some strangers, ignoring her own difficult situation! As soon as Draupadi's words mirrored Yudhishthira's own caring nature, the eldest Pandava sensed that he was losing his heart to her even faster now! His copper eyes lost their way on her blue-black face for a while.

"Have I said anything wrong, noble one?" Draupadi sweetly prompted.

Managing to bring himself out of his muse, Yudhishthira beamed at Draupadi.

"You have not, Rajkumari!" He finally spoke his first words to her, making her lips curve. 



Yudhishthira could not concentrate on meditation today.

He found it impossible to do the Sandhya-vandana with so many disturbing thoughts in his heart. He saw his brothers going out for collecting alms before evening. They did not seem to have a similar restless situation like his. They had a strong belief that whatever he would decide would be the best and right.

But Yudhishthira did not find himself so fortunate to pass on his own dilemma to someone else. He had no escape unless the solution was found. Knowing that the entire family's final decision depending on him alone, he just could not close his eyes and sit quiet. He had to do something soon.

Sighing, Yudhishthira rose from his puja seat. His eyes fell once on the arrangements done in front of him. It was Princess Draupadi who prepared for his puja. Not only this, she had also served food to his brothers and helped Kunti in household works. Yudhishthira could not understand this woman. How was she so calm, so happily engaged in all tasks as if nothing had happened?

He moved near the window. It was true that mother's order was not to be violated. But he knew that Kunti did not mean it. The best way would have been Arjuna marrying the Princess. But his straight refusal had worsened the situation. Why did Arjuna say so? Did he also notice the desire in the eyes of his four brothers for Draupadi?

Yudhishthira cringed for a while. This is not right! This cannot be right! Cried his conscience. Yet his heart shut the voice up. He was sure that Bhima and the twins were also going through the same inner struggle.

Was their unity at threat due to one woman? It cannot be! And even it was so, could they be so selfish to send Princess Draupadi away to her home?

Yudhishthira wished there could be someone who could have shown him the right way. Krishna was there in the palace as a royal guest. It did not seem possible to contact him right now. And Maharishi Vyasa...

Yudhishthira breathed easy. Didn't the Maharishi give him a scroll on their last meeting?

Do not open it unless you are in a serious dilemma! He had said. Seems like the right time has come now!

Yudhishthira's heart beat faster as he hurried back to his puja altar, searching for the scroll. There it was. Beside the altar. Picking it up he quickly unfastened the binding. As he opened the Tala leaf, an unknown story unfolded to him. An age-old legend.

When he finished, he found his brothers looking at him eagerly to know what was written in it.

"Jyeshtha!" Arjuna shook Yudhishthira's arm. "What is it?"

Yudhishthira took a deep breath.

"Maharishi Vyasa's wish matches with mother's words, Phalguna! Her words are our destiny!"

The four Pandavas stared at him, holding their breath.

"Krishnaa Draupadi will be the wife of all of us!" Yudhishthira finished.

Author's note: It is true according to BORI critical edition that Yudhishthira did take the decision after knowing that all his brothers were attracted towards Draupadi and also because Maharishi Vyasa had advised him to do so. I'm going as per the original Mahabharata.

Do you want to know what was written in Vyasa's letter? Coming soon in the next chapter.

Do you want to know what was written in Vyasa's letter? Coming soon in the next chapter

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