A New Hope

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Draupadi turned round, her lotus eyes widened in surprise.

"You...have come? So soon?"

Krishna shrugged, rolling His eyes, "Well, you only called me! But now if you don't want, I can happily go home!"

"Dwarakadheesh, you very well know that no one is allowed to leave Kampilya without Rajkumari Krishnaa's permission!" Draupadi was grave, "You can go nowhere without answering my questions!"



"Yuvaraj Duryodhana is such a nice person!" Govasana commented, "Don't you think so, Devika?" He looked at his daughter, expecting agreement.

"What great have you seen in him in such a short time, Pita?" Devika evenly asked.

"He behaves so well. And has a great respect for everyone! Didn't you see how politely he talked to you?" Govasana pauses to gauge Devika's reaction but her face was expressionless.

"Apologies, Pita! But that is what anybody would do while hosting his sister's wedding. Being in a responsible position of Yuvaraj, he simply cannot show his real face to us who are his guests."

"Wait! Real face means?" Govasana's eyebrows met.

"Maybe you are not aware that according to the belief of most of people, it is he who caused Pandavas' death in Varanavata." Devika coldly said, "It was the..."

"I know, I know!" Govasana cut her off, "I have heard about this rumor. But there is no proof that Duryodhana only did this! Just because few people of Hastinapura think so, it does not become true, Putri!"

"Rumor?" Devika snapped, "How can you say so, Pita? Who makes a house with inflammable materials without an intention of killing people? And it is very much proved that the palace was built with lac."

"Who saw it? Few common people of the town Varanavata. How much knowledge they are expected to have about materials of palace? They are not the ones who live in palaces."

"But they indeed are the ones who do build them, Pita!" Devika calmly replied, "We royals would not know about the materials of our houses as much as they do! And you are talking about proof? Bhrata Krishna and Yuyudhana Satyaki also have seen and examined the house. It was indeed made of lac."

"Krishna is Pandavas' cousin, Devi!" Govasana's voice turned graver, "And Satyaki is their friend."

"You want to say they are being partial to the Pandavas?" Devika gasped. For a while, it shocked her to find her loving father in such a form she had never seen before. How did he change this much? What spell had Duryodhana done on him?

"I never expected this from you, Pita! Yadavas are the Guru of us Shaivyas!" Her voice could hardly hide the bitterness of her heart, "I can understand if Bhrata Kotikasya does not accept this. But you never denied Dwarakadheesh Krishna's contribution in the development of Shivi army!"

"I do not deny that now also, Devi! But just because we are grateful to him does not mean that we need to support everything he does! Dwarakadheesh supporting Pandavas against Duryodhana is something I cannot agree with."

Shocked, Devika stared at her father's face for a while.

"May I know what made you turn into Kuru Yuvaraj's favour, out of sudden?"

"Don't you think that Shivi needs to grow stronger alliances for its own good?" Govasana looked at Devika, hoping for her agreement. He knew nothing in this world could affect her love for Shivi. The patriotic Princess would always be there for the sake of her kingdom.

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