The Unknown Connection

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"Paulami! Paulami! Devi Paulami!"

Draupadi tossed over her bed restlessly. This particular name had been troubling her since a couple of weeks. She did not know who Paulami was. But every time it seemed like someone was calling her with that name, with much love.

"You forgot your promise, Devi?" She heard again. It was a chorus of five male voices together, each showing his own emotion. She could not see anyone, though. But it felt so real, and so touching that her lotus eyes brimmed over tears, reasons of which was unknown to her.

In front of her blurred vision, an unclear picture showed up. Not exactly a complete picture, rather it was more like few pieces of puzzles combined together. Only the connection between them was missing.

Draupadi gasped. There was a large lake which did not seem to be a place on this mortal earth. Soon the visionary changed to a golden lotus, and then, wait, why this place is so dark?

She could not see anything in that darkness. Only the same chorus was heard again, this time in more pleading voice.

"Wake up, Devi! Wake up!"

Draupadi's sleep was shattered. She rose quickly on her bed, her heart racing faster. Who were they? Why were they pleading to her in that way? What connection did she have with Devi Paulami? Is it then...

No! This is not possible! She shook her head firmly.

Something must be wrong! I am definitely getting out of my mind!

Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes once, trying to calm herself down. And then opened them to focus on the night lamp beside her bed.

Fire! Her birth parent! The very sight of him used to make her feel good. She tried to be normal by staring at the fire. But there was even more surprise waiting for her as she looked into the flames.

Was it not over yet?


With surprise and awe, six humans witnessed something they had never expected to see in their lifetime. Soon after the naming ceremony was completed, the newborn Rakshasa prince began to transform. His large mouth, copper lips and arrow-shaped large ears became prominent gradually. Soon he stood taller even than his father who was the tallest among Pandavas.

He was not a kid anymore. Bhima's firstborn had grown up into a well-bodied, adult young Rakshasa.

"Pranam Pitamahi!" He touched Kunti's feet first. With awe in her heart, the proud grandmother gave him her blessings. Ghatotkacha then went to his parents and uncles and took blessings from all.

"Pita!" He joined his palms to Bhima, "Accept my heartfelt reverence at your feet! I shall be always there at your service! Please let me know if I can do anything for you!"

"You have just been born, Putra!" Bhima patted his cheeks, smiling. "First learn the scriptures and weapons well!" He glanced at his brothers who nodded approvingly.

"From tomorrow your lessons will begin!"


Krishna had never seen His student in this furious form, at least not during her practices.

Devika's sword moved with a speed of lightening, as if Indra's Vajra itself, leaving no space for her opponent even to breathe. It was shocking to Kritavarma as well. Devika was generally a cool-headed warrior who preferred to focus on her tricks and skills much more than getting aggressive. But today she was not herself. It was very rare for everyone who knew her, to see her in a full mood of attacking whoever would come in front.

"Shivi Kumari!" Kritavarma gasped, stepping back quickly. His chest got saved from the sharp edge of Devika's sword just by a distance of two fingers.

"Devi!" Krishna intervened, "Watch out!"

"Apologies, Senapati!" Embarrassed, she kept the sword aside and joined her palms.

"Let it be this much for today!" Krishna waved Kritavarma off. As he left the arena, Krishna noticed that Devika still had a frawn on her face.

"What is the matter, Devi?" He moved closer to her.

"I am sorry, Bhrata!" She sighed. "I did not want to hurt him."

"I know. But what makes you this much restless, sister?"

Devika looked away. "Pita's letter has come. I have to go." Her fingers ran over the sword's blade.

"That is a good news!" Krishna remarked, "It has been a long time you have not gone home."

Devika's fingers stopped.

"I am not going to home, Bhrata! I have to attend that lusty monster's wedding ceremony!" She gritted her jaw as her fingers clasped the sword tightly. Blood oozed out but she did not even look at her wounded palm. The pain in her heart was much more than that.


"Who else?" Devika retorted. "That evil who conquered my kingdom like a coward! That wretch who dared to desire me, the Princess of illustrious Ushinara's linage!"

Krishna listened to her silently. He let her to vent out her anger.

Devika breathed angrily, "Even after all these, Pita has to honour an invitation from him who insulted both his land and his daughter!"

"He is helpless Devi." Krishna calmly said, "Sindhu is his overlord now!"

"I know, I know! And now you too would say that I too should accept this invitation because of political alliance!" Devika knew that she was expressing her anger unfairly to Krishna but she could not just help it. She knew this was the only place she could open up. And none in this world would ever feel her pain like He would!

"Calm down, sister!" Krishna smiled, "I know you have all reasons to get angry with Jayadratha. But rejecting such invitation from an overlord would bring even more problems to you, especially when your father is accepting! You would not want to be marked as a rebel to your own motherland, right?"

Devika's eyebrows curved in worry.

"I would say you should go!" Krishna added, looking at her expression, "Maybe you will get something good too from there which you never expected!"

Devika looked at Him with question in her eyes.

"You never know, Devi, which incident makes which unknown connection with your life, even in the most unexpected way! Go there! I tell you, you would not regret this decision!"



Paulami : Daughter of Puloma. Another name of Indrani Sachi.

Ushinara: Devika's ancestor. The famous King of Shivi who is well-known for giving away his own flesh for sheltering a bird.

Author's note: Ghatotkacha indeed grew up instantly as an adult in real Mahabharata. In this book I want to stick to the authentic version more so showing it this way. Hope you liked it.

Also, why do you think Krishna is advising Devika to attend Jayadratha's wedding? What would happen there?

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