Chapter 22: Ferris Wheel

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"Bianca..." I tried reaching out for her, but that caused her to flinch and move away more

"I-I'm going to go see the Pokémon Musical! See you later!" She ran off.

"Bianca!" She was already gone. How can I stop her from being scared of me...? "I guess there's always next time..." I sighed and looked at my girls "let's look for Team Plasma. They might be up to no good!" I ran into the amusement park

N's Pov

I watched her battling the Team Plasma members for stealing her Pokémon. More like... send them in a tornado and force to take the Pikachu back.

After that blonde girl left a bit fearful. I had noticed that Pikachu loving her trainer like crazy. Pikachu and Lampent seem to be connected to that girl somehow...

They ran off to the amusement park. I looked up and saw the Ferris wheel... I wanna go there.

I walked into the amusement park and saw the girl laying on a bench with her Pikachu and a Pichu on her stomach. That's odd... She got another Pokémon egg to get another Pichu?

Lampent looked over at me 'Ah... It's you' she said. What did she mean by that? She floated over and floated around me, observing me 'so you'll be the hero of Unova, huh?' I nodded.

"I want to save all Pokémon" she closed her eyes and looked over at the girl.

'Have fun with that' she floated back to the girl. She sat up after picking up Pikachu and Pichu and put them on the bench.

'Master! It smells good!' The Pikachu said

'Can we eat?' The Pichu asked. The girl giggled

"Of course," she walked to a small field and sat down while a Gengar brought her and every one of her Pokémon food. I remember that Gengar.

Pikachu was eating and noticed me staring 'hello!' She smiled. The girl looked up and smiled at me.

"N!" I walked over "It's been a long time! How are you?" She was kind.

"I'm fine" I observed every one of her Pokémon. They seem really happy being with her.

"Would you like to join us?" She asked.

"Oh! No thank you..." Snivy used her vine whip and sat me down "Wait a minute... You're the Snivy from Pinwheel Forest" she nodded and started eating her Pokémon food again. I looked at the girl "Did you catch it?"

"Well... sort of. You see, I wasn't feeling good when I went back to the city. My friend had to deal with Team Plasma to get back the Dragon Skull. He saw Snivy and I think Snivy thought we were the same person?" I looked at Snivy.

'The two of them are twins' she told me 'The boy told me Angel wasn't feeling good. I got worried because she did help me after our battle... I went over to the city to find her... She didn't use force to capture me. I did want to go with her... but I didn't know if she noticed until her twin said so. She promised me that she would train me and become stronger' she took another pallet of food and ate it 'she's a very nice human. Very loving' I smiled and looked at Angel, so that was her name. I had forgotten 'By the way, she doesn't know that that boy and she are twins. Don't mention it' I nodded.

"Do you understand her?" Angel asked "I remembered you telling me that you understand Pokémon's language. That's a wonderful gift" she smiled. My cheeks felt warm.

"Y-Yes" why do I feel nervous? "And you? You said you..."

"I feel their hearts. I understand what they are feeling. When they are sad and such. I also know their body language of them, so when I have to know what they need, I know" I smiled.

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