New Routines, New People, All things new

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1 week has passed
Early Morning
Vic and Ripley's Place
R-Ripley: Hey DeLuca bud we gotta get to work.
D- Deluca: I'm coming. I can't find my shoe.

Ripley found DeLuca's other shoe under the couch.

R- Ripley: it's right here kiddo. Now let's go let's go.

At the fire station
Vic was already at the firehouse. Vic had left early to talk to Jack, since he was going to be watching DeLuca today. Ripley pulled up to the Station. As soon as Ripley opened the car door, Luca took off towards Vic.

Ripley gathered Luca's lunch bag and his book bag. He than met the other 3 in front of the firehouse.

R- Ripley: Thanks Jack for doing this. Here are his bags. We also find out the baby's gender today. So we'll stop by after that appointment to check in.

J- Jack: Cool. He's in good hands. I guess we'll take off after this meeting Sullivan told me he needed to have.

In the kitchen
Team A members of Station 19 took their seats in the kitchen. Sullivan and Ripley stood behind the counter.

Sullivan: Hey guys being that 2 members of are team are currently unable to work fully we have decided to add a few people to the roster.

Sullivan: So here they are:
First we have Nadia Hughes trained EMT. She was rescued from the Seattle Central College Fire but she's a great EMT. So welcome her.

(Everyone looked at Nadia and than Vic.)

Sullivan: Next we have transfer from Atlanta firefighter/EMT Cody Bruntson. Glad to have him apart of Station 19 family.

Ripley: And Since Sully and I probably will be out often we've brought in captain Vincent Cooper to help us. He's just been promoted to captain so we're helping him learn the ropes and he's that extra help we need.

Sullivan: That's all for this meeting. Let's make all of our new family feel at home.

Travis ran over to Nadia.
T-Travis: Hi I'm Travis. I'm Vic's best friend.
N- Nadia: Nice to meet you Travis.

Vic came over to the both of them.
V- Vic: Yes Travis this is my sister.
T- Travis: That's cool well I'll go catch up with everyone else.

V- Vic: Sorry I never came back to visit you. Life got a little busy.
N- Nadia: it's cool now we'll have a lot of time to catch up.
V- Vic: Yes we will but Let me give you a tour of the place.

2 hours later
Back at Jack's place
Jack's POV
DeLuca and I had watched tv and he had drew some pictures. I had just returned to the couch with some popcorn. I looked at one of his art works 3 kids were in the sky and he was on the ground with a sad face.

J- Jack: Who are they??
D- Deluca: my sisters and brother they died in a fire.
J-Jack: Hey buddy my parent died in a fire to they took my siblings away from that same moments.

J- Jack: How about you come sit up here and I'll tell you more.
Deluca set next to Jack on the couch. And Jack begin to talk about the younger him.

Vic and Lucas Ripley Appointment
Vic's POV
Today was gender reveal day. I wanted a boy and Ripley wanted a girl. It was just so much happiness I couldn't contain.

After the appointment
Lucas's POV
Vic and I grabbed a bite to eat before going to tell DeLuca the gender.

Pulling up to Jack's apartment
We knocked on the door. Jack greeted up.

J-Jack: Hey guys he's sleep on my bed.
L-Lucas: Okay don't wake him, but we do have the gender.

J-Jack: I'm putting my guess in as a girl.
V-Vic: We all will know at the same time tonight after shift. Don't forget!
J-Jack: Cool I got you. Me and DeLuca will be early.

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