Hospital Visit/ On The Ledge

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2 days later
At the Hospital
Vic had walked in the hospital. She went up to the reception desk and asked for Nadia (the one she talked to during the 5- alarm fire.)

Nurse: Miss you do you have a last name?
Vic: No i just helped to rescue her, she was a burn victim in an incident that happened about 2 days ago?
Nurse: Oh Nadia Hughes.
Vic: Her last name is Hughes?
Nurse: Yes and she's in room B 16
Vic: Thank you

In room B 16
Vic lightly knocked on the door. Before a soft voice told her to come. Nadia lay in the bed watching tv and all around her were get well cards, balloons and flowers. Vic set in the chair next to her. There on Nadia's bedside table lay an open card that said Love, Vivian and Rodger Hughes.

Vic: So where are you parents?
Nadia: They're working out of town right now but they sent me that card and most of these balloons and flowers come from them.
Vic: it's weird our parents have the same first and last name.
Nadia: Well I'll correct myself my dad and my step mom sent this stuff. My mom she's been up here to visit non stop.

Vic scrolled through her phone to find a picture of her parents. She than showed Nadia.

Nadia: That's my dad and my step mom. OMG does this make us sisters?
Vic: I think so. I gotta go. But get your rest I promise I'll be back.

Sullivan and Andy's place
Same day (around 1 in the afternoon)
Andy still lay asleep in bed. Sullivan has went on his morning run, cleaned the house, and did his daily meditation.

When Andy finally did wake up she looked pale in the face.

Sullivan: Andy are you okay? Do you need water?

Before she could say a word she ran straight to the bathroom. Sullivan not to far behind her.

Sullivan held her hair back as she threw up. When she was finished she laid her back against the wall.

Sullivan: hey look I'll drive you to the doctors. I think you might have the stomach bug.
Andy: Yea
Sullivan: I'll clean this up, while you go get cleaned up.

They both set in their bed silently. As Sullivan repeatedly kissed Andy's forehead.

A couple minutes later their work walkie came on.
Dallas: Station 19 team A?
Stevenson: We are currently at a bridge and the person sitting on the ledge is one of yours.
Dallas: They say they'll jump If we come any closer?

Sullivan ran over to the walkie

Sullivan: Who is it,
Sullivan: Which one of my people is on that ledge???!!!!!

Station 19 (a different look)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt