Drunk- N- Love

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1 month later
Vic's POV
Last week we had the funeral for DeLuca, but ever since this whole accident Lucas had just been out of it. In a couple of months we would have a baby to look after, but it didn't seem to matter to him. He'd wobble out the house with his cane and come back to the house at all weird times of the night.

I tried to get him to talk, but every time he just shutdown. I was stressing more than I should've, so I packed a bag and left.

Pulling up to Andy and Robert's place
Andy's POV
Robert and I set on the bed looking for bigger places. Before we would know it the babies would be here, but we wanted to make sure we could grow into the house and the environment was safe enough.

It was 5 in the afternoon when we heard a knock on the door. We looked at each other in confusion. We weren't use to haven't guess especially at this time of day.

Sullivan: I'll be back

At the door
Sullivan: Hey Vic what going on?
Vic: I need somewhere to stay for a little while.
Sullivan: What's going on where's Ripley?
Vic: Ever since the accident he hasn't been the same he won't talk to me he just goes and get drunk and come home at all crazy times. I don't know how to help him

Sullivan's POV
Vic began to cry. I pulled her into my embrace.

Sullivan: Hey don't worry. We're going to work this all out.

I went and grabbed her luggage from her car and we entered into the apartment. By this time Andy had managed to wobble to the living room.

Andy: What's going on?
Sullivan: Vic's going to be staying with us for awhile.

Andy could see Vic had been crying she went to hug her. It wasn't the best hug as their growing baby bumps collided.

Sullivan: So it's pretty late tonight, but I'll go get some dinner and you two ladies can have the bed.

Later that night
Sullivan's POV
Andy and Vic were sleeping peacefully in the bed. I quietly grabbed my keys and exited the house. I had to go talk to Ripley before things went even more down hill. I tried 3 bars before I actually found him at the fourth one.

He was sitting alone. He didn't look to good. I went and set next to him.

Sullivan: I just wanted you to know Vic's doing okay.
Ripley: I'm doing okay to.
Sullivan: No you're not. You blame yourself for DeLuca's death so you resort to drinking and being in your feelings.
Ripley: What does it matter to you?
Sullivan: When your girl comes to my place, and says she stressing and worried about you it concerns me.
Ripley: Whatever man! Ge—et o——ut my fa—cccce.
Sullivan: Alright that's enough you're coming with me.

As I tried to grab Ripley's hand his other hand came full speed toward my face.

Sullivan: Hand me your keys at least

Ripley said I couldn't have his keys I grabbed at his pocket for his keys once again he swung towards my face. This time hitting me in my eye.

I managed to grab his keys tho.

Sullivan: You know where I'm at. Also call yourself a cab if you plan on going home.

The next morning
Andy's POV
Vic and I had just woke up. I went to see where Robert was he wasn't on the couch.

After a few minutes he came through the door with two bakery bags.

Sullivan: hey ladies and babies I brought breakfast

He came over and game me a kiss. That's when I realized his face was badly bruised.

Andy: What happened to your face?
Sullivan: I got into a little argument with Ripley but I'm okay.

Sullivan: Don't worry about me. How about you and Vic go ahead and eat.

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