Ultimate Sacrifice

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1 weeks later
In the morning
Today Vic was off and she didn't want to wait around the house until Ripley returned home, so she decided to take a stroll around the park. Vic also was 4 months pregnant and only worked at the call desk 3 days out of the week.
Vic also hadn't forgotten about her step sister Nadia but she didn't know what to say when or if she was to see Nadia again.

At the park
Vic had watched the kids and parents on the playground. She rubbed her belly as she continued to walk. Vic decided it was time to take a rest. She went to take a seat on the bench next to her was this little kid maybe 6 or 7.

V- Vic: Hey buddy why aren't you on the playground with the other kids.
K- kid: I can't find my brother and sisters.
V- Vic: Hey, maybe your siblings are with your parents. What's your name?
K- kid: My name is Deluca and my sibling arre Julian, Stephanie, and Katie. Can I tell you something, but you can't tell anyone.
V- Vic: yeah go ahead
D- Deluca: We don't have parents. We just have each other. I haven't seen them in 4 days. This is where we were supposed to meet up if we were to ever separate. They left me this letter but I can't read it.

The little boy handed Vic a letter and he shivered a little. Vic scooted closer to
Him and opened her jacket so he could join into her embrace. She than continued to read the letter.

The letter:
Hey Luca, it's Ju. I just wanted you to know Steph, Kate, and I are out. We are looking for somewhere for us to stay during winter. We love you kiddo and we'll return before you even get up.

Vic closed the letter.
V- Vic: hey Unmm where do you and your siblings stay?
D-DeLuca: I can take you it's right around the corner.

Hand and hand they walked to where he stayed it was a little tent down in an alley under a tunnel.

He crawled in the tent. Vic followed him.

V- Vic: Hey how about we pack your stuff up and take you to a safe,warm place until we're able to find your siblings?
D- Deluca: okay will you be with me?
V- Vic: yep I promise

Latter that evening
At the hospital
Vic set in the waiting room.

Ayye doctor came and informed Vic of some information that could possibly locate the siblings.

Dr. Telic: Hey Vic. We have info on the other 3 siblings. About 3 days ago there was a warehouse fire. Close to where the little boy said he and his siblings stayed. There were 3 unidentified bodies that haven't been claimed by anyone.
Vic: Thanks Dr. Telic I have to go make a quick stop can you call when Luca wakes up?
Dr. Telic: yes will do

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