Get Them Outta There

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Shift had just started. The house set around in there common area Watching tv and waiting for Travis to be done with lunch.

Travis: Hey guys umm lunch is a little burned.

The whole house chanted together "bro you had one job, come on how to do you burn the Alfredo!"

Vic: He was probably talking to his new hot guy friend.
Travis: umm how about I order us pizza?

Before Travis could even start the conversation the alarm went off 🚨 ladder 19 aid cart 19 there is a kid stuck in a tree at Seattle City Park.

Maya and Vic got into the Aid cart
Gibson, Miller, Sullivan, and Travis drove ladder 19
Andy and Ben stayed behind and monitored desk reception

Aid cart 19 pulled to the scene first. They waited for Ladder 19 to arrive but things turned worst real fast. The Ladder was just one light away from being at the Park. The cars moved out of there way. The sirens wailing and Dean continuously honking his horn. Dean slowed at the red  light. He looked both ways before advancing forward. Right in the middle of the crossing an 18 wheeler came colliding into the drivers side at a least 66 mph. The Ladder 19 fire truck flipped twice before landing on the top part, leaving the tires in the air.
Smoke came from everywhere.

Back at the station
Herrera and Warren stood at reception listening to all the incoming calls. Ripley walked in the station.

Ripley: Are they out on a call?
Herrera: Yessir but they should be back soon. A kid was just stuck up in a tree.
Ripley: Cool I'll wait here than

The radio Intercom sounded Assistance requested ladder 19 down at Intersection hit by 18 wheeler.

Andy looked over at Chief Ripley. The three of them took off to get on Engine.

Chief Ripley: Let's go let's go let's go. Ben let the base know The Ladder 19 previous call needs to be rerouted. Let's move

Pulling up to the scene was straight smoke and chaos. Other stations were already on scene.

Chief Ripley: We access the situation and than we need to worry about getting our men out safe and quickly as possible. Herrera who was on ladder?
Herrera: Captain Sullivan, Lieutenant Gibson, Montgomery and Miller, sir.
Chief Ripley: Well let's get to moving

20 minutes later
Aid 19 had pulled up as the firefighters had just finished stabilizing the firetruck. The truck driver had been taken to Grey Sloan with minor injuries. Maya and Vic ran over to Chief to see where they could help at.

Chief Ripley: Have your gurney ready.

In ladder 19

Sullivan's view
Here I was once again trapped but this time upside down. I had just regained consciousness trying to access the situation. Miller looked in bad condition. I felt for a pulse but very weak. I repeatedly called Gibson and Montgomery name. No answer. I could smell the gasoline this truck was going to blow up soon and this time I had nor the strength or the time to escape.
I grabbed my walkie and radioed end.
"We are running out of time this truck is going to blow soon......"

Chief Ripley: It's now or never let's get them out.
-just hang on Sullivan we'll get you all out.

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