Hold Me

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Sullivan's POV
Lucas and DeLuca had been hit by a car. DeLuca's injuries were serious I felt for a pulse it was very weak. Lucas on the other hand was more responsive. He couldn't move, but he was responsive.

Lucas: Is DeLuca okay!!
Robert: He's fine
Lucas: Sully, please don't lie to me.
Robert: look paramedics will be here soon. Don't worry

The paramedics pulled up to the scene. One came over to me and DeLuca.

Paramedic 1: Don't worry we have backup on the way.

She worked on DeLuca. She looked worried as she worked on him.

Paramedic 1: The condition he's in he's not going to make it to the hospital.
Robert: I'm sorry that's just not going to work. I need you to do everything you can for this little boy.

Paramedic nodded her head.

At the hospital
Andy's POV
Vic and I walked into the ER. There waiting for us was Robert.

Vic: What's going on are they okay?
Robert: I don't know much, but DeLuca he's in critical condition. I'm sorry Vic.

Vic leaned into Robert's chest. He held her close.

A few hours later
Vic's POV
We had been waiting in the waiting room and I just got more and more anxious as each hour went by. After awhile a doctor approached us.

Doctor 1: Hi I'm Lucas Ripley's Doctor we did multiple X-rays and he is temporarily paralyzed waist down, but he is in stable condition. I can take you to him if you'd like.

I nodded my head.

Andy: We'll be here.

In the room
Lucas lay still in the hospital bed. I went over to him.

Lucas: Come here
I went and laid next to him.

Vic: Are you okay? How do you feel?
Lucas: Hey I'm good. We're going to get pass this. Don't worry I'll be okay.

Back in the waiting room
Andy's POV
I scooted as close as possible to Robert. He wrapped his hands around my growing baby bump.

Andy: What happens if DeLuca doesn't pull through.
Robert: We're going to be there for them.
Andy: I love you
Robert: I love you to.

Back in the hospital room
Lucas's POV
Vic was playing with my hair. I put my hand on her belly.

Lucas: Hey princess. It's daddy here. We can't wait to me you.

A couple moments later a doctor walked in.

Doctor #2: Hi I'm DeLuca's Doctor.
Vic: How is he?
Doctor #2: I'm sorry we tried to everything. His little body and the impact of the car. It was a lot of internal bleeding. He fought like hell tho. I'm sorry for your loss.

Vic laid her head against my chest and begin to cry. My eyes begin to get watery and I just let it all out. This all just felt like my fault. Vic and I held each other.

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