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2 weeks later
Sullivan's POV
Ever since Andy I found out we were having twins it felt like no days off for us. When we didn't have shift we were looking for a bigger place, or some life event was always happening, but today Andy was going to meet her cousin and aunt while I decided on spending some very much needed time with Ripley.

At the first baby store
Ripley's POV
Sullivan, DeLuca and I headed into the first baby shop.

Sullivan: Man we're going to be dads. Well you've already stepped into the father role pretty well with DeLuca.
Ripley: Yea but now this time it's going to be an insanely small human.
Sullivan: yea and I'll have two insanely small humans, but I think we got this.

DeLuca ran over to the clothes and started putting outfits in the cart for his little sister.

Sullivan's cart was only half as full as mine being that he didn't know the gender of his twins he picked out neutral colored bottles, onesies, and other baby stuff.

After another hour of shopping we finally went to check out.

Sullivan: You guys can go ahead and go to the car I'll be out as soon as I finish checking out.

DeLuca and I had already checked out and it was pretty busy so we went on to the car.

Lucas: Alright buddy this cart is loaded so I'm going to need both hands to push. Hold on to my pants leg.

Back inside the store
Sullivan's POV
I was answering questions on the pin pad when I heard a big thud right outside. I looked outside and saw a lot of chaos going on. I quickly finished ringing up my order and went to see what the thud was.

My eyes got big, my heart started beating uncontrollably fast....... all I could see was Lucas shopping cart knocked over in the middle of the road, I ran full speed towards the scene.

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