24.Happy Ending?

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*Alex POV*
Me and Anna decided to go shopping since all my clothes are getting small and it'd be nice if me and Anna had a girls day out.It will also help me take my mind off things..

"What shop first?" I asked Anna

"Well,I was thinking The maternity shop...you need nicer clothes if you wanna rock the baby bump!" I chuckled at Anna,I can't believe she still fusses over what I wear!

We walked into the shop. The place was full of pregnant hormonal women like me..but they seemed a little older. Im scared that if they judge me because I'm so much younger than them..crazy things tend to go into people's mind when they people like me.

"Excuse me,what do you think will look good on my friend,you see she can't shop without me,even when pregnant she'd buy ugly looking clothes!" Anna asked the women who worked here

She chuckled and asked me "how many months darling?" She smiled

" 6 months" I smiled back

"Ok,if you go right at the back of the store and go to your right,you'll see some really nice jumpsuits and suitable clothing!" She smiled

"Thank you!" We both said


"See I told you,if you let me chose,you will look hotter than ever!" Anna said

"Anna I'm pregnant,not modelling." I raised my eyebrow ...
Before Anna could say anything i heard these young boys,around 18-20 years old....

"Hey,sexy,even with that baby bump,you look hot."

"Hey beautiful,come to me,it doesn't look like your baby daddy is here so let me look after you." Another voice said before wolf whistling and making gestures for me to go to them..

"Why don't you lot fuck off!" I said..

"Oohh,we got a feisty one here!" the boy chuckled

"Say another word and we'll show you feisty." Anna said,trying to protect me

"Oh yeah? What are you gonna do? Hit me?" The boy said as soon as someone grabs their shoulder turned them around and punched them.

"Ow! You fucking idiot!" The boy said

"Oi,why are you touching my friend" the other boy said,he got punched as well...by Casey.

What was Casey doing here? Me and Anna stood there,shocked. But the boys deserved is so..i don't care

"Are you ok?" Casey walked over to us and asked

"Yeah. C'mon Anna,we need to get home."

"No,don't leave," he stood up on the bench in the shopping mall,he took a mega phone from the security guard for everyone to hear, "Look,Alex.I'm a massive fool. I left you when you most needed me and I hate myself for doing it. Every time i think about it,I want to beat myself up. And not only that,I'm a fool for you! I love you.I miss you! Every time I look into your beautiful eyes I get all goofy and weird! You are my everything. Please Alex,take me back?!" Casey said,his eyes,his beautiful eyes were searching for an answer...everyone was looking at us

"C'mon take him back!!" Several voices said,I guess they loved his speech..

"Yes Casey. I'll take you back!" Our lips crashed,moving in sync..for the first time in like..forever. I guess I did miss him a little,which led me to this,

"Is it too late to become Mrs.Johnson?" I looked at Casey smiling

"Of course it's not too late,anything you want,I'll give it to you anytime" we hugged as everyone cheered for us...

I guess there such things as happy endings!

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