14.Hey James It's Anna

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*Anna POV*
I woke up,feeling really dull and I can't be bothered for anything right now! Well that's everyday actually...
Wait,i've just realised,it's been a week since Alex and Casey broke up!
I know I'm suppoased to hate him but I can't bare to see Alex like this. She says she's fine but i know deep down she misses him and wants him back! Alex is very stubborn so she is VERY good at denying it!
Oh.My.God! I just had the most AMAZING idea ever!!! But I'm going to need a little help from James!!! It's an amazing plan and it's also another way to talk to James so..bonus!!!
I called his phone,amazing things like this shouldn't be said on text...he picks up;

"Hey James,It's Anna. Im going to get straight to the point! I want to try get Alex and Casey back together and I'm going to need your help! You in?"

"Hey Anna! Yepp we REALLY need to get them two back together.I can't bare to see Casey like this,he doesn't like to have fun anymore..He needs Alex.So yeah I'm willing to help! But wait what are we going to do?"

"Well because I'm amazing,I came up with a brilliant plan! Basically,in the morning we take them to you guys' hotel,we'll say there's a party that they HAVE to go to,but before that we have to get the keys for the storage room..usually they're quite big in hotels so they should be fine! Then we blindfold them..because obviously Alex won't come of Casey is there. So after we blindfold them,take them up to the room and we'll run out of the room and from the outside we yell and tell them to take their blindfolds of.Then they'll realise that they'll have to sit in a room with each other ,alone! And we won't let them out until they love each other again!" I explained being very proud of myself!

"You know,that sounds crazy but I think it'll work! You are truly amazing!" He said with his cute Essex accent

"Aww,well what can I say haha"

"So,when exactly are we trapping them?" He asked

"Is tomorrow ok?" I replied

I know Alex will kill me but I have to bring back the only person who made her happy for once! Even if he is a stupid cheating idiot!

~Don't be a ghost reader!! Comment&Vote,need your opinions on my first fanfic xxx

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