16.Kiss and make up

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*Alex POV*
I was staring into his eyes and he was staring in mine..and I remembered when he said something about the love still being there..and I think he's gotten the answer to his question.The love was right there..but I still had an angry look on my face to not make me look weak but after every second the angry face just went.I had the 'HisEyesAreAdorableButHeIsStillAnnoyingStraightFace' look...and suddenly our lips crashed,while kissing,he gently pushed me against the wall,
"So I'm forgiven?" He asked already knowing the answer.

I winked at him and we started kissing again..and let's just say that me and Casey had a little 'fun' in the little storage room! *wink*

*30mins later*

Me and Casey were snuggled up in the corner of the storage room using our clothes as a blanket.My head was on his chest while he wrapped him arms around me.It made me feel whole again,I guess that I didn't realise it before.

"I've missed you so much babe" he whispered in my ear making me feel warm and fuzzy inside

"I missed you as well babe." I gently kissed his chest

"Look baby,I promise I'll never lay hands on anyone except you,even if that means not getting drunk." He said

"Oh,don't worry babe,I forgot about that ages ago,I just needed to take my anger out someone." I replied

"Ohh right ok! Well I'm glad I did the whole 'making you jealous' thing,but obviously it was worth it in the end" he winked. His weird,dirty mind is so sexy,it's such a turn on!

After putting our clothes back on,we tried finding ways to get out of here but there was no need. Anna came back..with James! They opened the door and asked us a whole bunch of questions...

We were walking to to the boys' hotel room and they started with the questions;
"Sooo?!?" Anna and James asked as they're eyes waited for answers!

"Haha well let's just say things are back to normal!" I replied as he reached in for a kiss!

They kept saying 'aww' and 'how cute',but we looked at James and Anna,raised our eyebrows and gave them hints that they should get together. They both just blushed and looked away!

~Make sure you Comment&Votee! I wanna see your thoughts and opinions!!x feel free for constructive criticism xx pls don't be a ghost reader!! Had to make this part short because the last part was way too long!x"

It's Just Love - Casey Johnson FanFicحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن