9.Will You Be Mine?

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*Alex POV*'
It was the morning after the party,and I COULD NOT be bothered to get up.
While I was laying in bed I was just daydreaming and thinking, I had such an amazing time last night,I'm so glad Casey persuaded me to stay at the party!
Speaking of Casey,I can't stop thinking about him,I tried thinking about food or something but I just keep day dreaming about him! Ugh! I hate him for doing this to me! I probably should text him and say thanks and all that stuff,wait,what if it makes me sound desperate..ugh I don't need him,I'm not desperate! But he is so adorable and I kinda wanna talk to him...If only he weren't in a stupid boyband!

*A few hours later*

I get out my phone,I look at it,deciding whether I should text or not...then I quickly put the phone down.."UGHH"
Then I pick it up at finally decide to text him

*The Chat*
Alex:Hey Casey,It's Alex,I just wanted to say thanks..for last night.You persuaded me to stay at the party and you showed me how to have a good time! And I'm pretty sure James and Anna had an amazing night. Haha!x

Casey:Hey Alex! Haha there's no need to say thanks! But can you do me a little favour?x

Alex:Erm,yeah sure!

Casey:Let's meet up! I'd love to see you again!

Alex:Ohh,yeah! Sure,when?


Alex:Casey,it's 6pm

Casey: lol and?x

Alex:Haha ok,meet me at Raven's Park.x

Casey:Haha ok,see ya xxx

Oh wow! I'm going to meet him,what do I wear..ughh,i hang out with Anna WAY to much!

*At the Park*

*Casey POV*
I was waiting at the park,It looks so beautiful out as the sun goes down,I can't wait till I see her again!!
I see her walking towards me,she looks so pretty in a plain t-shirt,a hoodie and skinny jeans.Like I said,she looks beautiful in anything!
As she comes next to me,she smiles and we awkwardly hug.As soon as we touch my whole world just turns upside down.I've never felt this way about anyone ever! She's a very special girl!
"So cmon!" I say excitedly

"What?!' She says

"Don't you wanna go for a walk?!" I reply

"Oh yeah sure!" I look into her eyes,those coffee brown eyes,it makes me feel warm inside (I know,it sounds weird coming from a guy!)

*Alex POV*
As were walking,the sun sets..it looks so peaceful and it's really romantic,I guess he isn't a what everyone says he is.He's cute,funny,sweet and romantic..and he's so hot which is a bonus!

"So how does it feel being a singer in a 'popular boyband'" I say with my fingers making speech marks!

"Well,I'm basically living the dream,it's changed my life and I'm doing the thing I love most! But it does have it's down." He says with adorable deep London accent..his accent is such a turn on!


"Well as much I love my fans,they get a little out of hand and we hardly get any privacy"

"Yeah,very tough job haha!" I say sarcastically

"Haha! Very funny!" He chuckles.

As we were walking the was a lot of dog crap on the floor,I looked at it and said "these people really need to clean up after they're dogs! Cmon we have to try walk around it!" And suddenly I'm being carried,bridal style,while Casey tries getting around the dog poo.

"CASEYY!! What are you doing?! Put me down!" I yell

"No,I can't let you go anywhere near it!" He says

"You know we can just tiptoe over it!"

We've made it past the dog poo and he puts me down gently while I try getting my hair out of my face!
"Casey! What the hell?!"

He replies "You look like a princess,so I'll treat you like one!"

My cheeks go red as I look down and bite my lip! He puts his hand on back and brings me closer to him..

"Alex,ever since I met you,you're all that I can think about.You're cute,adorable and you scare me a little bit which I think it's hot and I every time I see you,I become all goofy..I know I'm going on and on but I want to ask you this..will you be my girlfriend?"

I can't believe it,he thinks I'm cute and adorable! His words make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside...i look in his eyes,his cute puppy eyes are waiting for my answer.
"Yes! I'd love to be your girlfriend! But don't think I've gone soft!"I chuckle. He brings me in for a hug! An this time it doesn't feel awkward,it feels...magical!
I look up and see the beautiful colours in the sky
"The sky looks so beautiful,doesn't it?" I say to Casey
I look back down and we stare into each others eyes and he says;
"I can see it in your eyes" as he puts his hand on my cheek. He brings my head up slowly as his lips touch mine...our first kiss! It feels magical,his soft,warm lips touching mine....This day could not get any better!

~Make sure you Comment&Votee! I wanna see your thoughts and opinions!!x feel free for constructive criticism xx pls don't be a ghost reader xxxx

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