3.The Plan

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*2 days later*

*Casey POV*
Me and the lads were in our dressing room before our gig,

"So Casey,you heard from your girlfriend?" James asked me curiously

I quickly sat up, "What girlfriend?!"

"You know,the one you met at the signing"

"Ohh,I gave her my number! But I don't think she's going to call me." I said,i didn't realise but I had a huge frown appear on my face..

"Why not?!"he asked

"Well,she looked like she was going to punch me,she hates me. It annoys me because I love the way she is feisty and i love how she is different to every other girl. I just want to see her again.I don't know how I've become attracted to her,I only saw her for like,5 minutes!" I said

"Mate,It's what you call 'love at first sight! And lucky for you her friend 'anna! The cute one,yeah she gave me almost their whole life story. Their both 19 and both from North London oh her name is Alex by the way!" He said as I sighed with relief

"So what are we going to do?" I said

"Well your'e amazing friend has a plan! I managed to get Anna's number so we can both invite them to the party we're hosting next week!"

"You know,that isn't a bad plan but there's a problem,how do you know she will come"

"Well,Anna will definitely come because,well,she's obsessed with us and I'll tell Anna to tell Alex that it's not OUR party,that way she'll come,otherwise if she finds out its our party,she'll never come!" James was very proud of his idea and I cant blame him. I'm almost certain that this will work...

~Yaaaay 3rd one done!! I said i'd get all of them done in one day,Ive done 3 and its 9pm in London..what is my life?!
Anyway not a lot has changed but i hope you enjoyyyyy! Xxxx ~I

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