1.Getting Ready For The Signing

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*Alex POV*
"Alex! Alex!,Get Up!!" I hear Anna scream.
So today is the day where Anna is forcing me to go to this stupid signing for a stupid boyband,that is why I slept over.

"Alright! I'm up!" I replied,half asleep.

I slowly get up,hating every second of it,i finally get on my feet and head to the shower! We were meant to be there ages ago but going a little late wont hurt!

I get out the shower taking as long as possible. I know i sound quite selfish but I hate stupid boybands!!!

I finally got out the shower....15 mins later (that sounds very quick but i can take a shower in two minutes!) and got into my clothes and put my hair in a messy bun.
I decided to wear a plain T-shirt,my light blue jeans and Nike air maxes with a hoodie! I'm not really into heels and skirts,I love my jeans,hoodies,any thing that doesn't stick to my body! Unless I need to look good, I don't really bother.

I walk downstairs ready to leave,but I can't seem to find anna...

"Anna,where are you!?" I yelled!
She walks up in front of me and my eyes feels like they've been hit by the sun! She's wearing a bright pink dress and her hair is done up.She's wearing really long high heels which makes her taller than me! Im usually taller than her!!
"Aren't you a little dressed for a signing?!" I ask out of curiosity

Her massive smile turned into an even BIGGER smile
"Alex,I'm meeting the most amazing guys in the world! I HAVE to look good!" She exclaimed

"You know,I worry for you!" I chuckled

We left the house and hit the road!

~aaaaahhh! I edited the first chapter!!!! I think i'm going to edit and publish this all in one day since i've got nothing better to do! Make sure you Comment&Votee! Xxxxxxxx ~i x

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