21.Long Time No See

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*Alex POV*

I've finished my last packet of pain killers as I'm in so much pain, Anna has popped out to get more. I told her not to but she is my best friend/sister so she insisted. I kept thinking about what everyone was saying,to get back with Casey. They say that he can help me and make sure I'm ok. I feel sick every time I hear his name. He disgusts me. Every time I hear Stereo Kicks, I wait until James' solo is over so I can over and switch it off. Casey is the most selfish person in the world. I don't know how he can live with himself.
I wish everything could get back to normal,when it was just me and Anna. I wish I had never met Casey. If it was weren't for Casey I wouldn't be in this mess, I wouldn't be a pregnant 21 year old.Who's single!
But being pregnant at a young age isn't the problem. The problem is,who is going to help me? I know I have Anna and James but I don't want them to be stressed over me. I hate it when people fuss over me. But like I said. If it weren't for certain idiots,women like me wouldn't get into this mess.

"I'm home!" Anna yelled from downstairs

"I'm up here!"

"Hey,you feeling ok?" Anna asked

"Yeah, just got a headache," I replied "are you ok? You seem weird"

"Well,there is something?" She said

"What's wrong?"

"I'm just going to get straight to point"


"Casey wants to meet with you at dinner" the words flew out of her mouth

"You're kidding me right?"


"What does he want to talk about?! Leaving me or leaving me pregnant?!" I yelled

"I don't know Alex. He just asked me to ask you if you want to go out for dinner."

"Well,no.Im not going.I don't want to see him face.Look Anna i love you for helping out but he can't break my heart and expect me to run back when he clicks his fingers. I may be pregnant but I haven't changed." I said

"C'mon! Alex,give him a chance.He misses you! He loves you,he was crying,he wants to see you. I'm not forcing you but just think about it,yeah?"

She left the room,should I go and meet him? I guess I should say hi...or should I?!

You know what,I think I will go,he says he misses me so why not. It's not like I'm going to get back with him.


*Casey POV*
I was waiting outside the restaurant. I hope she comes,Anna didn't tell me whether she was coming or not so all I had to do was wait.

I've been standing here ten minutes,I don't think she's going to come. I turn around as I'm just about to leave but I hear a gentle voice behind me

"Casey?" I recognised the voice instantly.She came. She actually came! My Alex.

"Alex,you came." I asked i reached in for a hug,but she stepped back. I was disappointed but I can't blame her.


"So how have you been?" I asked while pushing the food around with my fork

"Good,you?" She replied,also not eating her food

"Yeah,I've been good.I've missed you Alex..." I blurted out

"Well,you should've thought about that before you left me." She hissed,she's still stubborn like before

"Look,I'm so sorry. I love you so much,I shouldn't have let you survive two months by yourself."

"I weren't alone,I had Anna." She didn't even look at me,I missed her coffee brown eyes,but she wouldn't let me see them

"Yeah,but I should be there for you,I am the father."

"So why did you leave me? You knew you were the father,you knew I have no one to help me out,why did you leave me?" Tears were making her blurry
I didn't answer...

"Answer me Casey." She said

"I don't know,but I thought about it.I love you,you and that baby is the only thing that matters to me right now."

"Oh,so now you care about the baby?"

"Yes. And to prove it," I got out the ring and placed it in front her "Marry me?"

A tear shot down her cheek,I don't know whether she was happy or sad..

"You're kidding" she said

"No I'm not,be Mrs.Johnson?" I asked

"I can't... I can't marry you,I've managed the last two months without you,let alone my whole life,I think I can manage without for a little longer." My face dropped,my heart broke into a million little pieces...she doesn't want to marry me?


"I'm sorry Casey,I can't. Take care and have a great life." She walked out of the restaurant
This isn't possible. I can't live without her. This can't be happening right now.

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