23.More The Merrier?

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*Alex POV*

Mum living here is just great! She has been helping me out for the past two months,I have to say,being pregnant has its advantages.Anna and mum running around for me is pretty great! She's even been helping Anna in how to act like a posh women. She says all sorts like 'Back straight,No slouching.Your knife and fork has to be on the right sides' it's been hard for Anna but she loves it. Anna has been a bit of a girly girl so anything to be a proper women,she'd do it!

I helped out lay the table for dinner while mum and Anna bring the food.
We were talking about all sorts over dinner,in the last 2 months I actually laughed and smiled,we spoke about mum and how she traveled the world and Anna finding a job at the beauty parlour,until mum brought up a topic which I didn't want to talk about.

"So,have you been in touch with erm,what's his name..ah that's right! Casey!?" She asked

"Mum,I'm 4 months pregnant,the father of my baby hasn't been supporting me,do you think I'd be in touch with him?" I snapped,I was put of my food so I started pushing it around with my fork

"Sorry darling,I shouldn't have brought it up.." She felt sorry for me,I guess she forgot that he tried to propose....

"No,it's fine.Sorry,it's just..he..he-Im going to be sick." I made my to the downstairs bathroom...after 2 minutes i got my head out of the toilet.

"Alex,are you ok?" Anna yelled from outside

"Yeah,I'm fine." My voice was weak..

Mum came in and helped me up. She took me out and I felt really light headed..and I blacked out.

*Anna POV*

"Alex,Alex!!Get up!" I yelled,Alex's mom gave me a glass of water to give to Alex...

"Come on,we'll take her upstairs and put her in bed,this is normal she'll be fine" Mrs.Smith said


An hour later she woke up..Alex will be so angry when she finds out Mrs.Smith called Casey. She thought that if Casey was here she would feel better and they might end up getting back together.It's a good plan but when Alex is angry,isn't very unpleasant,especially with the hormones going crazy.

*Alex POV*
I struggle to open my eyes causing my vision to go blurry,I saw mum and Anna but another person was standing there...oh no. It was Casey,i properly open my eyes

"Oh,you're awake dear." Mum said

"What is he doing her?" I pointed at Casey

"I called him over,he came as soon as possible." She replied

"I don't need him here." I snapped

"He's not doing any harm dear." She put her hand on my shoulder

"Ugh! Can all of you just leave me alone,!" I yelled "you know what,stay here. I need some fresh air"
I tried to get out of bed. Because of my stomach it made it really hard to get up. Then Casey tried helping me out by placing his hands on my shoulders and underneath my arms

"Don't touch me! I can get up myself!" I hissed. I managed to get out and i made my way to the back garden.
I sat down on the bench and started thinking..why! Why is this happening to me? My mum and my best friend are eager for me to get back with Casey.Casey keeps irritating me by 'trying to help'. He didn't give two shits about me when he found out I was pregnant..

"Hey.." A quiet voice came from behind me,It was Casey

"What part of leave me alone don't you understand?!" I snapped
I tired to get up so I can leave..

"No,sit..I just wanted to talk" he said,his brown eyes were full of concern.

"What is there to talk about?" I hissed

"How many times do I have to say I'm sorry?" He begged for an answer

"There's no need. Casey,you didn't seem to care about me 4 months ago,why are you here now?" I asked as he sat beside me,obviously i moved away from him so he can't get any closer

"I don't know..I just couldn't get the fact about you being pregnant around my head."

"Oh and that gives you the right to leave me?"

"Im sorry,I was a dick move,I know..but I just didn't know how I was going to handle it,you know,being a dad and everything...I wouldn't be able to cope."

"Casey,every father-to-be feels like that.Everyone.Not only you. Just because you're famous it doesn't give you the right to do something like that.You are the father of this child,you were my boyfriend. How could you leave me in this state?" I let out a tear..

"I know and I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done it,Alex please.Give me a chance. We'll make this work." He begged

"You've gotten way to many chances Casey. Please just go home..I've got a headache." I said quietly

"Alex plea-" I cut him off

"Go!" I said a little more louder

"Ok.. Im going" he said as he made his way to his car

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