28.An Old Friend

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*Alex POV*

"Morning baby!" I tried to wake up Casey

"Mornin'," He said with his sexy morning voice "Where's Ruby,I don't want her to see what we get up to when we're alone." He winked,little cheeky git!

"She's downstairs with Anna." I winked back and placed my lips on his.

"So,we've gotten everything prepared for the wedding.Is there anything else that needs to be sorted?" Casey asked,And usually people have this sorted but I don't have anyone to give me away. My father isn't here,he's presumed dead and I don't have an older brother.

"Well,I don't have anyone to walk me down the isle,you know,give me away.." I looked down kinda upset..if only my father was here..

"Look baby,don't worry.We'll think of someone! Is there anyone who has helped you out or is really close to you?" He lifted my chin up,giving me hope. I thought very hard..and finally! I know how might want to give me away!

"Charles!" I shrieked! "He's like a dad to me! He drove me to our date,when you asked me to move in with you!" I was so exited!

"Yeah! He'd be perfect! Do you have any contact with him?" He asked

"Yeah I do. He told me where he worked so if I needed him,he'd be there!" I was so exited,Charlie is just like a father figure,I hope he would give me away!


"Alright Anna,we're leaving! Ruby's baby food is in the cabinet if she gets hungry and make sure you remind mum to take her pills!" I yelled across the house to Anna as me and Casey were leaving to meet Charlie

"Ok,ok! You're mum is so annoying!" Anna and Ruby chuckled


We got out of the car and we arrived at the 'Her Majesty's Drivers' This was the place that charlie worked in. We went to the reception

"Hey,Is Charles still working here by any chance?" I asked the receptionist,

"Why yes,Charles does work here,not only that,he is the manager of this company." An old yet fresh voice said...it was Charles.

"Charlie!!!!!!" I shrieked and gave him a hug! Charles shook his hand, "How have you been dear?"

"I've been great! We've got a baby girl,Ruby and me Casey are getting married!" I showed him my engagement ring,

"It's beautiful dear,you both look amazing can I just say! So do you need any help in driving back and forth to venue,I have the best drivers!" He said..he thought we needed him to drive us..

"Well actually Charles,we've come here for something else," Casey said with a smile on his face, "Right Alex?"

"Yeah! Charles,we came her today because I was kinda hoping if you gave me away because obviously I don't have a father an-" I started to mumble but he cut me off,

"Alex,of course I'll give you away! I'd be honoured dear."

"Oh Charlie! Thank you so much! You don't know how much I appreciate this!" I said,with tears almost running down my cheeks.

"No problem dear! Im here whenever you need me," We hugged each other "Im so proud of you! A few years ago I drove you to your date with Casey! You had made me a better person,you'd told me to let loose and have some fun and might I say that helped put a lot,you made my day that day and I didn't know how to repay you.Anyway,my point is,if you EVER need me,as a fatherly figure,I'm here for you!"

"Thank you so much Charlie,that means a lot! And about that whole fatherly thing,I always looked at you like my father,that's why I came to see you today! I wouldn't want anyone else to give me away!"

"Casey,I told you! She's an amazing girl! You make sure you keep good care of her!" He said to Casey

"Yes,don't worry I will," he replied "after all you helped me out as well,if weren't for you,I wouldn't have been able to ask Alex to move in with me!"

"It's my pleasure son! Anytime!"

We said our goodbyes as we had to leave,

"Make sure you call so we can go over the last minute stuff for the wedding!" I said to Charlie

"Yes I will! Oh and make sure you introduce me to that beautiful girl of yours,i'm dying to meet her!"

"You'll meet her at the wedding,not just yet!" Casey said as we finally left.


We got home and I was feeling great. I was going to get married to the man of my dreams,I have a beautiful daughter and apart from Casey,the man who cared for me a lot,is giving me away! Life couldn't get any better!

~Make sure you Comment,Follow&Votee! I wanna see your thoughts and opinions!!x feel free for constructive criticism xx pls don't be a ghost reader!x

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