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*Alex POV*
Anna called me and woke me up this morning because apparently there's a party at the Royal Hotel..it's really weird,how is there a party at 8am?
Anyway..I dress in my normal casual clothes since I can't be bothered to go all fancy and stuff and we head to the hotel...

We get out of the car....
"Anna,which room is the party in? I asked

"Erm,It's on the third floor..I think?" She replied weirdly

"Okaay" I started getting suspicious

As we get in the lift,she puts a blindfold on me..she says that it's a masquerade party but since we don't have masks we have to go in blindfolds and take them off later...

We got out of the lift..while blind! She's pushing me..I ask what's going but she doesn't reply.Finally we stop but I couldn't feel her hands..
"YOU CAN TAKE THE BLINDFOLDS OF NOW!" I heard Anna's voice yell but it weren't just her..
I take my blindfold of an i see Casey..I gave him THE MOST dirtiest look known to mankind,he just looked down and I yell
"Anna unlock to door,why is he here?!" I yell

"HAVE FUN GUYS!" They both yelled and I heard fast footsteps..

I can't believe this,how could Anna do this to me!

"So did you know about this?!" He asked me

"No" I hissed

"We have to try get out of here." He said

"Noo,you don't say,Sherlock!" I said sarcastically

He grinned and I rolled my eyes..

He tried using the hammer to break the lock..It didn't work
"So I guess we're going to be in here for a while.." He said as he gave up with the hammer

"Great." I replied with no emotion on my face at all

"So..how have you been?" He asked but he knew he weren't going to get an answer..."What have you been doing"
I ignored him,acting like no ones there "Look,I'm only trying to be nice,you could do the same." He snapped

"I didn't ask you to be nice." I said quietly

"Well,some people need to learn some manners" he said a little bit louder

"Im sorry,my parents didn't raise me properly,oh wait! My parents aren't here to raise me! They're dead!" I started yelling

"I didn't say that." He went quiet again feeling sorry for me even though I don't need his pity.

"Well,you were thinking it,weren't you!"
We both just went silent...then he suddenly falls to the floor..

"Casey?! Casey! Get up!"..he wasn't saying anything...I started panicking,I didn't know what to do. I put his head on my lap..stroking his hair..
"Casey babe,Get Up!!"
He suddenly opens his eyes and starts laughing.I stand up causing his head to hit to floor! He's still laughing as he gets up.

"You fucking idiot!"I punched his arm then i back away
He comes closer to me and grabs my shoulders

"You still care about me!?" He smiles while turning red..
I try to stay strong,I try to not fall back into his arms again.

I gave him a dirty look and said "Fuck you!"
He let go and sat on the little cupboard...
"You know,I love it when you get rude.It's such a turn on.." He winked

I put my middle finger at him,trying not to smile.I sit on the floor while facing him and I pull my fingers through my hair..
"What's wrong babe?" He asked with a smile on his face

"Don't call me babe" i said quickly

"You called ME babe when I fainted!" He said while raising his eyebrows

"Yeah,but you didn't faint,did you?" I replied whilst rolling my eyes

"Yeah and YOU thought I did!" With that stupid cheesy smile on his face!

"If only you actually did faint!" I mumbled under my breath..he didn't hear it though.

*A few Hours Later*
"How long have we been in here? I asked Casey out of boredom

"A few hours or so" he replied while blowing balloons with those gloves that doctors use..

"Having fun there?" I looked at him like he was 5 years old

"Oh look who's being nice now!" He said while raising his eyebrows

"Well,if you want me to start getting rude again,I will! And this time it'll be worse than before!"
We both laughed...but he stopped and said with a serious voice

"Look Alex,I made a mistake,can't you forgive me?"

"No Casey I cannot forgive you! What you did is unforgivable and anyway I hate you and even before I met you I hated you AND your stupid little boyband."

"I know! I did something bad and I can understand why you hate me..but think about what made us fall for each other,don't you remember the love between us,isn't that love still there?"

"Can you just leave me alone." I said

*Casey POV"
Im trying everything to win her her back but she's way too stubborn.I hate it but it's so adorable!
There needs to be another way to win her over.Well I could try make her jealous! That'd work! It's really sexy when she get jealous,don't know why.

"Alright fine,I don't need you! I've still got all those other girls..they'd love a bit of the Casey Johnson touch,don't you think?" I said hoping for an answer from her.

"Dick!" She said quietly but enough for me to be able to hear.

"Yeah.My dick is right here!" I winked at pointed at my dick. She stood up and we got closer to each other,she had an angry look on her,
"Well,it's a very small one isn't it!" She said,she looked so beautiful and she's so hard to resist but I had to keep my cool.We stared into each other's eyes,she still had that sexy but angry look..

~Make sure you Comment&Votee! I wanna see your thoughts and opinions!!x feel free for constructive criticism xx pls don't be a ghost reader!!

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