Yoongi slid down the wall, he too could no longer hold it in, as grief he buried deep down poured out in a flood of uncontrollable tears. He covered his eyes with an arm, he didn't want anyone to see but it was too late.

"No, I can't." Yoongi whispered defeatedly his lip quivered.

"She means everything to me."

Jin sadly looked between his brothers, this was something that was bound to happen. He too knew the consequences of loving Hana, but he didn't know the depths of their love for her. Especially Yoongi. He went to Yoongi and brought him into a hug. Something that Yoongi would have protested about but he didn't this time, Yoongi needed to cry it out, as he gripped Jin's shirt as uncontrollable sobs wracked through him.

Taehyung had joined Jimin and Jungkook in a crying heap as they all hugged each other, Hobi ended up helping the Maknae's, trying to soothe them to calm down.

All of them had tears in their eyes, and they all now knew that each other loved Hana the same. But there were things that had to be said. Once everyone settled enough, Namjoon spoke.

"Alright, as we already have established. We are all doomed to loving her but we need to make this clear. We are not going to fight for her attention, nor make it any harder for her alright?" He announced.

"We will not put her in a position that forces her to choose any of us. She already suffers enough as is." Namjoon scanned just eyes around, all of them solemnly just listened.

"Also, if and when the time comes, we promised Manager Sejin and PD nim that we will continue work as planned. These were the conditions to be allowed to see her more. And we need to thank Yoongi hyung for that since they were going to stop us from seeing her." He ran his fingers through his hair, this was the most stressed he'd ever been. It was worse than the nerves he'd get before a performance. The maknae's were shocked over this information, they didn't know Yoongi did so much for them.

As a leader, Namjoon felt like he took full responsibility, he never wanted his brothers to fight. Sometimes it was just inevitable and he had to accept that.

"Lastly, you all need to apologize and promise that this will not cause a rift between us. Yoongi hyung, Jungkook." He eyed the two of them before they got up nodding.

Yoongi opened his arms and Jungkook hugged him tightly.

"I'm sorry hyung, I didn't know." Jungkook buried his face in Yoongi's shoulder as Yoongi just smiled sadly and hugged the boy back.

"It's alright Kook, I just worried for our cute maknae's" they both chuckled as Yoongi ruffled Jungkook's hair.

Hobi and Jin smiled at them, happy that things were okay. Jimin felt relieved that it was finally mentioned and cleared with the members, It was okay for them to love her but they all knew the consequences of it, though jungkook and Jimin already had this conversation with each other that night. They knew that it didn't matter, They wanted to love her no matter what.

Jimin confirmed with Taehyung too that he felt the same. Taehyung wanted to continue to make her happy and that was his goal.

"Alright lets get some sleep. We all need it. Tae, you're still seeing her tomorrow right?" Jin asked, the boy nodded.

"Bring some of the mandu I made tonight for her tomorrow okay?" He smiled and hugged him.

"Goodnight everyone!" Hobi called as they all went to their rooms to retire, leaving Jin and Namjoon alone in the living room. After a few moments of silence passed, Namjoon was the first to speak.

"Sorry hyung, I didn't know what to do." Namjoon apologised, taking the blame for the events that occurred recently, he didn't know how to control the situations properly.

"No need to apologize Joon, this is all new territory to us, we've never had a girl in our lives let alone one we all love." Jin pat Namjoons shoulder reassuringly.

"I wouldn't have done any better either. In fact I'd say Yoongi really showed my true emotions like a mirror." Jin confessed earning a chuckle from Joon.

"I said the same about Jungkook the other night." Namjoon smiled up at his hyung, the two of them chuckled together.

"thanks hyung." Namjoon got up to hug Jin.

"See you tomorrow." They both got up to leave back into their bedrooms. The night ended as all of them passed out from exhaustion. A huge weight was lifted from their shoulders and they could finally sleep peacefully.

A/N: I'm so sorry if I butchered this chapter. I really need to expand my vocabulary x__x I hope it was okay.

Thank you for reading again, and I can't believe I'm #2 on btsxreader ranks. Bless you all, thank you !

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