Chapter 17

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A/n: realized I didn't have any Scorbus fluff so I decided to fix that.

Scorpius stared up at the ceiling of the dark room, Albus was peacefully asleep beside him. He couldn't help but think about what had happened that morning. It wasn't that he was still bitter about the whole thing, no, that wasn't the case. Ron had pulled both him and Scarlet aside to apologise profusely for his behavior and Scorpius could tell that he had been genuine.

The only thing that plagued his mind was wondering if that was how the Wizarding World viewed his family. Was that how they viewed his father? Did they really think that they were just horrible people hell bent on killing muggles? He was well aware of what his family had done and what they had been through, his father had insisted on him knowing so that he would understand why the rest of the world was so hesitant about his family.

Honestly speaking, Scorpius would've never believed what his father had told him if he hadn't showed him the appropriate memories. His father was not some arrogant git on some high horse and his grandfather wasn't that madman's right hand man. That wasn't his family.

His family consisted of his father, who used to chase him around Malfoy Manor, his mother who ran around with him through the flower fields in the garden, his grandmother, who would pinch his cheeks going on about how much he was like his father (and who also shared embarrassing stories about his dad), his grandfather, who he just loved to be around, he always told the best stories and recalled moments from before either of the wars when he used to go Hogwarts (most of those stories included his embarrassing attempts at gaining his grandmother's love) and his aunt who was more like a sister to him than anything. Despite her being missing for seven years, Scorpius still remembered every moment he'd spent with Scarlet growing up.

He remembered being held in her arms as she ran away from his mother in the garden, running to her in tears when she came back from her first year at Hogwarts, wanting to be in Gryffindor because she was in Gryffindor, her singing to him during storms because she knew the second he was awake, her calling him 'little star' because he was her baby brother, not just her nephew. He remembered clinging to her before she left for her fourth year, it had been the last time he'd ever seen her before she went missing. He desperately wanted to reconnect with her now that she was back, only he didn't know how. How were they supposed to pick up where they left off? He couldn't just go up to her and demand her affection.

He sighed, too much thoughts running through his head at a time. He was tired but couldn't sleep. He began running scenarios of what could happen if he tried to reconnect with her. She could welcome him with open arms and then he'd have his big sister back. Or she could simply say she no longer cared for him and discard him. What if she didn't want to reconnect with him? What if she thought he was old enough to take care of himself? What if-

"Scorp I can practically hear the gears turning in your head." Albus mumbled sleepily. "What's wrong?" He asked turning to face him, green eyes peering up at him curiously.

"I..." he didn't know what to say, Albus' gaze always made him speechless, he could get lost in the emerald green, almost crystal like eyes. Those eyes would surely be his undoing, especially now that Scorpius had come to terms with his sexuality of being what Rose called 'Albus-sexual'. Mhm, that's right, Scorpius was in love with his best friend.

"I can't sleep." He finally said.

"Yeah I can see that," Albus replied, he propped himself up on his elbow to look at Scorpius sideways. "Question is why." He grinned. He loved that grin, that grin that was specifically reserved for Scorpius. He loved that, being able to see parts of Albus that he normally hid from the rest of the world. It made him feel special and like he mattered to Albus more than he cared to let on.

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