Chapter 30

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"Okay so I don't have time to explain but follow me to the library."

"Are you gonna murder us?"

"The fuck Damien? No of course not." Scarlet rolled her eyes.

"Well I mean, you just show up outta nowhere and tell me to follow you. Seems kinda sus if you ask me." he shrugged.

"Where were you? We haven't seen you all night." Delphi asked.

"We had an interesting conversation with Dumbledore and then another with Minnie. Basically there's a book in the library right now that can allow us to use our wands outside of  school." she explained.

"No way, how the bloody hell did you lot find that?" Damien asked.

"Minnie left it for us in the library, she gave us an hour to do the spell. But that's not all, the book also has the veritaserum antidote incase we ever get caught. We have to meet up the others now, she left the library open for us." 

"Wait, does this mean McGonagall knows we're..." 

"The Order of the Phoenix.  And I think so, she's certainly smart enough to figure it out, although she gave us this idea to help us avoid suspicion so it seems like she's protecting us."

"We're the new Order? Badass." Damien grinned.

"Yeah, yeah. Take us to the library Scar." Delphi rolled her eyes, though she too had a smile on her face.

The three of them walked in silence until they arrived at the library's front door. They had to do a little ghost watching here and there to make sure no one, especially Peeves, saw them. There would always be at least a few Slytherins and Gryffindors sneaking around, usually Albus, Rose and Scorpius, or a few Hufflepuffs sneaking a few snacks into their common room. Or even a few Ravenclaws who fell asleep studying or reading in the library.

The prefects had collectively decided to only take away house points based on their intentions. They wouldn't take points if a Ravenclaw was walking back from the library or when the Hufflepuffs snuck a couple treacle tarts into their dorms. There was also times they would catch Albus and Scorpius wandering around tiredly or Rose running back from the library. There was also one time when the entire Gryffindor fifth years had snuck out to tie a Gryffindor scarf to the top of their tower out of pure pettiness to simply say their tower was taller than Ravenclaw's. 

Of course Ravenclaw had retaliated with their own scarf and the following day when Minnie asked the prefects if they saw anything and they all said no, they were rewarded with a couple free butterbeers outside their dorms. They only took points if completely necessary. Like when a sixth year Gryffindor had hexed a second year Slytherin, Scarlet had hexed them back while Delphi performed the counter spell. Or when Ravenclaws were calling Hufflepuffs incompetent, Victoire and Alice had gone off on them.

"Well about time, for a second there we thought you got lost." Vic said.

"Scar's briefed us but I'm still a little confused, could you go over how it works please?" Delphi asked.

"Ok so," Vic flipped the pages of a large book, "This right here is the spell for our wands, basically it's gonna allow us to perform spells outside of school by making the spells we use untraceable, this in turn would mean if we cast a spell, it won't be registered on the wand and thus cannot be tracked. However we can choose certain places we want the spells to be tracked like Hogwarts and our homes. Oh and I read ahead and we'll also be able to apparate."

"So basically this spell is acting as a VPN?" Fred asked.

"Well yes, technically." 

"And the veritaserum antidote? Like do we rip the page or?" Diana asked.

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