Chapter 40

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Delphi gulped. Her mind and body were currently having a disagreement, whereas her mind was screaming at her to run, her body simply froze.

"I....." she tried, "I don't know why you're calling me that." she said voice only wavering at the end.

"Yes you do." the voice said sternly, "Turn around." 

She mindlessly listened and was met with a tall figure in dark robes and the classic Death Eater mask. The mask that hid the identities of the terrorists responsible for not one, but two wars. The terrorists who followed her father. 

"And you are...?" she trailed off.

"You don't need to know that," he stated, "yet." Okay then, someone's been watching too much twilight.

"Tell me more about yourself Delphini." he began circling her the way a predator does its prey.

"I was born....." she swallowed, "I was born during the second war."

"And you who were your parents." he asked almost tauntingly. She scoffed.

"You know my name but not my parents?" he did not reply and she sighed, "Tom Riddle and Bellatrix Lestrange nee Black." 

He laughed. A cold, cruel laugh.

"Daughter of the great Lord Voldemort himself." he said and she could tell he was smiling behind his mask.

"I am not his daughter." she ground out, "I am nothing like him."

"Oh?" he came to a stop, "Is it not his blood running through your veins? Or perhaps you are more like your mother? She was magnificent, all the things she did for the world."

"I am only related to them by blood, the Diggorys are my family." she said turing to glare at him, "and my mother was not 'magnificent', she was a sociopath dissociated from her family. And my father was a megalomaniac hellbent on murdering innocent muggles and muggleborns."

His gaze hardened, "He had views. Muggles stole magic from us, they stole what was rightfully ours and then came into our world. They terrorized us for centuries, millennia even. They burned us at the stake, they killed and tortured us and they used their religion to justify it all. Your father almost put a stop to it. And he would've if it weren't for that Half Blood menace." he spat.

"My father murdered innocent muggles who did nothing to contribute to anything you just talked about. You want to blame muggles for the fact that we live in secret fine, go ahead but supporting the views of a psychotic megalomaniac? That's where the problem starts." she ranted glaring daggers at him.

"Look at you," he laughed, didn't she just yell at him? Why is he laughing?

"You're mad." she said and he cackled at her.

"Maybe, but you're just like me. And that determination. That's the same determination your parents had. That could be quite useful for me." he explained.

"I'd never help you." she spat. His gaze turned cold again and took a step forward to her.

"You will play a part in what's to come Delphini. History will know your name the same way they'll know mine." he took a step back and bowed to her, "Until we meet again," 

Black smoke swirled around him and in less that a second, he was gone.



"Wow. Grimmauld Place looks a lot different than I remember." Albus said as he and the rest of their group landed in. 

"It looks really cool." Scorpius said. 

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