Chapter 15

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Malfoy stood beside his mother and father at Malfoy Manor.

"You know," Lucius said, "the manor can rebuild itself new, if a tragedy was to ever happen."

"Like a fire perhaps?" Narcissa suggested. Malfoy smiled at both his parents and pointed his wand at the house. He muttered a word under his breath and the manor caught on fire.

The three Malfoys watched their home, which was now covered in crimson burn. A soft smile on all of their faces.

*Scene changes*

Malfoy and Astoria were sitting with the older Malfoys. Narcissa held a babygirl in her arms.

"What happens to her now?" Astoria asked gesturing to the baby.

"Sirius gave his life for her," Narcissa smiled.

"So that she could have a good life." Lucius continued.

"We want you to raise Scarlet. She'll have a good life with you." Narcissa said.

"Are you sure? We would love to but do you think she should grow up here?"

"She should be in France, it's safer and she wouldn't grow up hearing about the war." Malfoy said.

"We are sure Draco, you both will give her a good life." Narcissa said. She placed the baby in Astoria's arms, gave her a gentle kiss on her forehead, took her husband's hand and together they made their way to the floo.

After they were gone Astoria turned to Malfoy.

"What now?" She asked.

"Guess we're parents." He replied looking at the baby staring up at him questionably.

*Scene changes*

"You're going to drop her!" Astoria whined.

"No I won't!" Malfoy insisted. He was holding Scarlet in one hand and preparing food in another.

"One shot of firewhiskey please." Pansy waltzed in.

"Its 10 a.m." Malfoy deadpanned.

"And a biscuit." The dark haired woman added. Malfoy shook his head with a smile but still prepared both.

"Draco be careful!" Astoria scolded.

"You know love," Malfoy started, "if you keep telling me I'm going to drop her, then I will indeed, drop her." Astoria rolled her eyes and continue with her cooking.

"Oh you know Draco Tori," Blaise walked in taking a bite out of Pansy's biscuit, which earned him a murderous glare, "He's always gotta be right."

"Shut up Zabini." Pansy elbowed Blaise in the gut.

"Whatever you say Zabini." Blaise winked.

"That's Parkinson- Zabini." She corrected.

"I still can't believe you two got married." Astoria said as she took Scarlet away from a pouting Malfoy.

"Look who's talking Mrs. Malfoy." Pansy smirked.

"Honestly I still can't believe it," Blaise laughed, "I always thought he'd end up with Potter." What? Why would he think that? They were enemies for Godric's sake!

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