Chapter 25

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What they were about to do could possibly the stupidest thing they had ever thought of. It could either go really well or they could end up in the middle of a deserted forest with no way to get back home. Let's get up to speed.

It was around 3 am and all the adults were still partying hard even though it was well after Christmas day itself. All of the kids had retreated to their rooms to sleep and thanks to a special charm, the Burrow was now big enough to accommodate for most if not all of their guests. If it wasn't, the Diggorys were kind enough to offer up their house. The eldest of the adults such as Gran and Grandpa, Amos and Clarissa Diggory, Lucius and Narcissa, Xenophilius and Andromeda and Poppy and Minnie had all gone home with the promise of returning the next morning.

As for the kids, they were supposed to be in bed, key word being 'supposed'. The youngest of the bunch meaning Lily, Molly, Lucy, Idalia Zabini (Damien's sister), Louis, Edwin Wood, Lorcan (who'd recently come out as trans and now uses he/him pronouns), Lysander and their cousin Daisy Dursley were actually in Lily's room working on something they refused to share. The middle group consisting of Al, Scorpius, Rose, Roxy, Dom, Thorin Nott (who'd come out as non-binary), Ainsley Patil- Brown, Daisy's brother Carter and Oren Wood had all snuck into each others' rooms to play truth or dare and spin the bottle.

And then you've got these fools. 

Scarlet and Victoire had already been in his and Teddy's room since they both just went there automatically (according to Victoire it was to ensure neither he nor Teddy messed with the portkey). A little later on Fred, Damien and Frank had snuck in and then finally Diana, Alice and Delphi had arrived after doing a quick look around the house to make sure they were good to go.

"All clear upstairs." Diana said.

"No one's downstairs." Alice informed.

"Everyone's still outside but I slipped a little sleeping drought in the whiskey so they'll all be out like a light." Delphi said proudly.

"I've got the portkey ready." Vic said.

"And I've got the keys."

"Well that about does it, is everyone ready?" James asked everyone, if they were going to do this he wanted to do it right. The invisibility cloak was folded in its smaller form in his right pocket. Better safe than sorry right? 

"Wand check." Teddy called, everyone held up their wands to confirm.

"Should we even bring these though? Its not like we'd be able to use them." Damien pointed out.

"Plus they could be tracked, the ministry would surely notice if they suddenly disappeared from here and reappeared over there." Delphi added. 

"Good point, but what do we do with them? We shouldn't just leave ten wands lying around." Teddy asked.

"What about if we just place them back in our rooms? That way if our parents tried to track us it'll be a dead end." Alice suggested.

"In that case we should also leave our phones too. Those are even easier to track than our wands," Scarlet noted, " Plus we won't really need them, I already had a hard copy of all the files we need sent to Grimmauld Place so I'd say we're well off."

"Smart move. Give me you're wands and phones and I'll be right back." Vic said. 

After about five minutes she was once again in the room and everyone was awaiting her command.

"So where is this portkey you've created?" Fred asked.

"Its right," she pulled out a small silver Eiffel Tower key charm from in one of the chester drawers, "here."

James Potter and the Prisoners of TimeМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя