Chapter 2

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James watched as everyone at the Gryffindor table cheered for their new member. Lily Potter. James smiled sweetly when Lily took the spot across from him next to Rose. She looked happy but he knew her too well. She was probably upset at the fact that she would live in their mother's shadow now. The same way James lived in Harry's shadow it seemed Lily lived in Ginny's. Albus was really the only one who was free. Lucky bastard  He thought. He was a Slytherin so he wouldn't ever have to worry about living in their father's shadow.

Even though Albus was somewhat free from all of the world's expectations, it was clear that he was bothered by not living up to the name. Because of this he never really talked to his brother about all the pressure. Although one could not deny that Albus looked good in Slytherin colours. He was the splitting image of their father. With the messy hair and piercing green eyes. James looked more like their grandfather that anything. He had the messy raven hair but warm hazel, almost golden eyes. Lily was the splitting image of their grandmother. She had their mother's red hair but father's green eyes.

He was brought out of his thoughts when someone sat beside him. This caused millions of glares and shocked expressions to be sent their way. Scarlet didn't seem to give one flying fuck. She smiled warmly at Lily. "Hi, you're Lily right?" Lily smiled, genuinely this time. "Yeah, nice to meet you Scarlet." Scarlet looked a little surprised. "You were all over the prophet, remember?" Rose said. "Right, thanks red."

Out of the corner of his eye, James saw a couple of Gryffindor girls glaring at Scarlet. He overhead their conversation.
"Why the hell is she sitting next to James?"
"She's Sirius Black's daughter, why is she even here?"
"Thought she'd be a Slytherin like the rest of her no good family."
"I heard she was raised by The Malfoys. She's practically a death eater by association."

Scarlet seemed to hear this and James could practically feel the anger radiating off of her. Rose and Lily seemed to notice because they were both glaring at the group of girls. James decided to have a little fun with them. He wrapped and arm around Scarlet's waist and leaned in. "Play along" he whispered. She nodded with a smirk. She made a show and kissed his cheek saying loud enough for the girls to hear "I've missed you, love"  He responded by kissing the top of her forehead and saying "You too, darling"

By now most of the Great Hall was staring with the exception of Victoire who was trying to bite back laughter and Teddy who was smirking. Rose and Lily were laughing at the shocked looks on the girls faces and James could've sworn he saw McGonagall looking at them with a smug smile.

The rest of dinner was boring, although Scarlet did execute their plan which was now called 'Opperation Tedoire'. Scarlet accidentally tripped Victoire resulting in Teddy catching her by the waist. The two broke away with a blush and Victoire left with a  mumbled goodnight and headed off to the Ravenclaw dorms. Teddy left to the Hufflepuff dorms while James and Scarlet walked silently to the Griffindor dorms.

James didn't really feel like going to bed so he asked Scarlet, "Wanna head to the Astronomy Tower?" She grinned "sure". "Great I've got just the thing." He pulled out the cloak of invisibility and drapped it over them. They walked silently trying to avoid everyone including snogging students, students who looked like they were going to do a lot more that snog, ghosts and Filch and his cat.

When they finally got to the top of the tower, Scarlet let the cloak fall behind them and walked into the light of the moon. "Beautiful. Priceless family heirloom, just drop it on the floor" he said his voice dripping with sarcasm. She just grinned in reply. He noticed that her eyes were very dark but seemed to light up with stars reflecting the night sky. He looked up at the sky feeling himself become calmer. The silence wasn't awkward, it was comfortable and James loved that.


Scarlet focused on the night sky though she couldn't miss the boy next to her stealing glances. She shifted a bit feeling a little uncomfortable under his stare. It was unnerving really. He was just staring now as if he were trying to figure out everything about her.

"Take a picture it'll last longer." She smirked triumphantly at his now flushing cheeks

"Sorry" he said. "Don't worry about it. I know I'm beautiful" she said jokingly

James laughed at this. He had a nice laugh. "Course you are but I'm gorgeous"

It was her turn to laugh now. The two stayed like that joking about nothing in particular.

What they didn't notice was the cat lurking in the corners watching them.

A few hours later (you read that in the Spongebob voice don't lie)

Scarlet woke to someone shaking her. She didn't appreciate being awoken early so she just grumbled and clung to her pillow.

"Really Scar we have to get up." The annoying voice said. Ugh now she was pissed so she smacked whoever was trying to wake her.

"Holy fuck! Fine woman. Sleep! It's your fault if we miss breakfast darling"

Darling? Wait. Shit. Last night! They didn't go back to the dorms!

Scarlet jolted up so fast she brought James with her.

"Gah why the fuck is the sun so fucking bright? Is it trying to blind me?" She cursed.

"Forget about the fucking sun Black we're late for breakfast! Let's go!" He said frantically.

He grabbed the cloak they were apparently using as a blanket and ran down the stairs almost tripping a few times. Scarlet practically dragged them into Moaning Myrtle's bathroom so they could freshen up. They didn't have time to change so they would just head to breakfast and swing by the dorms to get their stuff for class.

When they entered the Great Hall it was practically empty so they didn't have to worry about anyone asking them why they were so late. The also didn't have to worry about the teachers since they already headed out to get ready for their classes.

When they sat down at the Gryffindor table, Teddy and Victoire joined them surprisingly. "Why are you guys late?" Victoire asked. "We slept on the Astronomy Tower"  James said piling food onto his plate. Scarlet did the same."Damn, making sure no one interrupted your alone time huh?" Teddy said wiggling his eyebrows suggestively. " Oh Merlin no! It's not like that!"Scarlet said quickly trying and failing to hide her blush. "Leave them be!" Victoire slapped his arm playfully. "We should get to class now, what've you got?" James asked. "Vic and I both have Astronomy" Teddy answered. "Double Potions with you."she said. "Great let's go. See you guys later." James waved. "Later, don't snog before clas-  ow don't beat me woman!" They heard Teddy yell.

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