Chapter 41

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Something was wrong, the atmosphere of the Great Hall was extremely tense. It was quiet which was very unusual that time of day. It was breakfast time, usually the hall was filled with chatter, noise and laughter. 

James exchanged a curious and worried look with Scarlet before they both sat down at the Gryffindor table. Most students weren't even eating, they were just staring at multiple newspapers in front of them and little whispers could be heard here and there.

"What's going on Red?" Scarlet asked Rose. The red head was looking at an article on the Quibbler, Lily, Hugo and Roxanne staring over her shoulders.

"Take a look." Diana said as she tossed Scarlet a copy of Luna's newspaper. Scarlet opened the the paper and started flipping through while James struggled to read over her shoulder . There was an article on page nine that seemed to have caught her eye. James read something on top about Wakspurts and Fae and then he saw it. There was an informative article about a failed terrorist attack the previous night at a Pride Parade.

"Last night members of the Auror Department, Unspeakable Department, Hit Wizard sector, Witch Watchers sector, etc. accepted an undercover mission leading them to the infamous terrorist group know as the Death Eaters, the loyal followers of the defeated dark wizard Lord Voldemort. Their escape from the prison Azkaban was kept out of the publics eye while the undercover mission was active. 

The terrorists were caught at a Pride Festival held in Trafalgar Square, Muggle London. It has been confirmed by Auror Ronald Weasley that these terrorists are responsible for the attack at the the annual New Years ball. Among the captured Death Eaters are: Amycus Carrow, Augustus Rookwood, Corban Yaxley, Rabastan Lestrange and Rodulphos Lestrange. The DMLE is issuing a warning to the public that there may be other Death Eaters who have evaded capture. LEP officers lead by Auror Susan Bones will be in charge of dealing with the public. Hit Wizards and the Witch Watchers have been authorized and given clearance by Head Auror Potter to launch an investigation. Unspeakable Draco Malfoy and Unspeakable Hermione Granger are the representatives of the Unspeakable Department who will be working on the case.

While the investigation is now being launched, we have been told by anonymous sources that Solicitor Astoria Malfoy and Solicitor Pierce Ogden are trying to sway the conflicted Wizengamort to hold a trial for said Death Eaters. We are yet to receive more information."

"No bloody way." Scarlet said flipping through the pages looking for more information.

"They went public." Fred said, his usual grin replaced with a troubled look.

"So what about Hogwarts?" Hugo asked the older students.

"What about it?" Diana asked.

"We're safe here right?" Lily asked. The entire hall once again fell to a deadly silence. No one could truly say for sure if they were safe. 

"Yes, you are." Minnie stood up clasping a letter from her hands. She turned to address the student body, "I've just received word from the Auror Department that Witch Watchers will be stationed throughout Hogsmeade. I'm afraid all Hogsmeade trips will be cancelled as a result." This was met with whispers and disappointed sighs. 

"However," Minnie continued, "Because the Aurors, for whatever reason, believe that Hogwarts may be a target on the Death Eater's hit list, they have added another form of protection for the school." she gulped, "Dementors." 

The hall collectively gasped and the teachers all exchanged unreadable looks among one another.

"The Dementors will be stationed at every entrance and exit at Hogwarts. I would advise all students to avoid them, they truly are nasty creatures," she said, "However, I have three Potters, a Black, a Lupin and enough Weasleys to build my own Quidditch team here," everyone laughed at the little joke, "And if I've learned one thing in all my years, is that trouble tends to find the students. As a result I have asked Professor Merrythought to assist."

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