Chapter 6

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Teddy was starting to enjoy being back at Hogwarts. He was popular, got along with everyone, he even had daily meetings with Poppy. She would tell him stories about his father and his friends, The Marauders. Everything was going perfectly fine. Hogwarts was starting to feel like home to him except for just one thing.

Frank fucking Longbottom was talking to Victoire.

He was talking to her and he was blushing. Who even blushes anymore? What was he talking to her about? Was he asking her out? He had no right to ask her out. Okay maybe he was over thinking a little.

You see, Teddy may be completely in love with Victoire. Only problem was, she didn't believe him. Literally every time he would tell her, she would reject him saying that he didn't really love her, or that he wouldn't be committed or they could end up ruining a perfectly good friendship.

Teddy was currently under the invisibility cloak with James stalki- no observing the scene in front of them.

"Are we sure he's asking her out?" James asked.

"Well, obviously. Why else would he be blushing like that?" Teddy fired back. Somehow the two had ended up being close. He didn't mind, James was hilariously sarcastic, almost as much as Scarlet and that was saying something.

"It's Frank mate. He blushes almost ever time he talks." James replied.

Before Teddy could respond he heard someone yell.

"JAMES! TEDDY! WHERE THE HELL ARE YOU GU- well if you don't want me to yell help me FUCKING FIND THEM." Definitely Scarlet. Both boys threw off the cloak and James folded it up.

When Scarlet found them, Victoire had left Frank, much to both boys amusement, and made her way to them. They sat at a table. Scarlet was practically bouncing with excitement.

"Why are you so happy?" Victoire asked.

"Because dearest I had a brilliant idea." She said proudly.

"And that would be?" James asked.

"Let's bring back the Marauders Map!" She said excitedly.

Teddy couldn't help but grin. "Wonderful idea, Scar. What do ya say Vic? James?"

The two cousins looked at each other, "Course we're in. You two will probably burn down all of Hogwarts if we left you alone." Victoire grinned.

"I can confirm that that is correct." James grinned.

The Marauders Map was the iconic map that the Marauders used in their Hogwarts years.  It was a map of Hogwarts that seemed to capture everyone's position all the time. It never lies. However after the Marauders died the magic started fading. Now the parchment was completely blank with only the words 'Mischief Managed'.  Everyone in the Potter/Weasley family knew about it. Including Teddy who was practically adopted into the family by force. (Because saying 'no' was not in Molly Weasley's vocabulary).

"So how do we fix it?" James asked.

"Well they used an advanced charm to create the map, I'm sure there's one to bring it back." Victoire said.

"We could look in the library and see what we can find." Scarlet suggested.

"I'll help you out." Teddy said.

"I'll take the map back with me and try to see if some magic is still there. Maybe I could ask for Frank's help?" Victoire suggested. Teddy scowled and Scarlet stiffened.

"Or I could help you out." James said. Victoire nodded. He sent a reassuring smile to Teddy and the two cousins left the library.

                              Time skip brought to you by my procrastination

Teddy and Scarlet were going over almost every book in the forbidden section of the library. Obviously whatever advanced charm the Marauders used to create that map was not legal.

After about an hour of useless searching Teddy came across an old book that looked worn out. The title was what caught his eye, 'Wolfstar'. Where had he heard that before?

He got excited when he noticed the handwriting  and immediately called Scarlet over.

"What? What did you find?"

"A book."

"Ah yes you tend to find those in libraries."

"Shut up and get over here."

Rolling her eyes she came over and examined the book.

"Wolfstar? What's that?" She asked.

"Dunno. But Scar I swear to Merlin it's the same handwriting as the Marauders Map."

"Well open it. Maybe they wrote it."

Wasting no time Teddy opened the book.

Nothing happened. Or so he thought. Scarlet gave him an odd look and walked around.

"Wow" was all she said.

"What?" He asked.

"Look around Teddy." She said.

So he did. He gently placed the book on a table along making sure he kept it open and walked around.

Everything looked different but also the same.

The books looked newer. The place looked cleaner, less dull, less depressing. He could feel the magic radiating off of the walls. It was as if the Hogwarts core was happy again.

Poppy had told him that Hogwarts hadn't looked like that since...

Since before the first war.

So that begged the question, when were they?

Suddenly the library doors opened.

James Potter and the Prisoners of TimeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz