Chapter 18

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Harry, Ron and surprisingly Draco had apparated and were now in front of the Zabini Manor.

"You're sure about this?" Ron asked wearily, Harry couldn't blame him honestly.

"You sure they'll help us?" He asked.

"Yes, they have the experience which you obviously need for the case." Draco drawled.

Harry glanced at Ron with a look of confusion only for Ron to mirror his expression. Deciding that they should just get this over with, Harry walked up to knock on the door. About five seconds later the door was opened by a dark haired woman dressed in what was deffinately an expensive outfit. Pansy looked at the both Ron and himself with a curious glance before looking to Draco for an explanation as to why they were here.

"I'll explain as soon as Mione gets here." Draco promised. Harry still hadn't gotten used to the fact that Hermione and Draco were partners and apparently friends as well. It seemed so odd especially given their history at Hogwarts. Harry was brought back from his thoughts when Pansy beamed and ushered for them to come inside.

Inside was just as elegant as outside, white walls wrapped around the large staircase leading to the second floor, a perfect contrast to the dark wood floors. On the walls were several pictures of the family. Harry made out a few of them, Draco with Pansy and Blaise laughing in what looks like their third year, Blaise and Pansy's wedding photos, the same trio laughing at what looks like a muggle parade, Draco, Astoria and Blaise looking adoringly at Pansy who held a baby boy in her arms, The four of them laughing as said baby boy chased a baby Scorpius on a mini broom set, the same boy in Slytherin robes smiling with a familiar girl and two other kids who look similar to Neville.

"Our son." Pansy smiled at Harry, "Damien."

"Where is he?" Draco asked.

"Probably panicking about the fact that Frank's coming over tomorrow." Pansy smirked.

"Frank? Frank Longbottom?" Ron asked.

"His boyfriend." Draco answered the silent question Harry had asked.

"Panicking? I do not panic!" A dark haired boy who looked like a perfect combination of Pansy and Blaise insisted.

"Right because you've never panicked once in your life." Blaise rolled his eyes entering the sitting room Pansy had lead them to.

"Like the time you owled us because Frank asked you to Hogsmeade and you didn't know what to do." Pansy smirked.

"That was a gay crisis." Damien looked almost offended.

"Yeah yeah, what are you doing here figlio?" Blaise asked.

"Just wanted to know if Frank could stay in my room." Damien said quickly not quite meeting his father's eyes.


"Not." Blaise insisted. "He's too young!" He replied to his wife who shot him a nasty glare.

"So what? It's not like we can say boys and girls share a room! That is so much worse!" Pansy fretted.

"Ugh fine!" Blaise sighed, "But I'll be checking if there's a silencing charm!" He warned.

"Yeah, yeah no charms, got it." He said quickly running up the stairs.

"He seemed odd." Draco noted.

"Odd how?" Pansy raised an eyebrow.

"His behavior, it just seemed odd." Draco said.

"I think we have more pressing matters than Damien being 'odd'." Blaise said.

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