Chapter 14

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A/n personally this is what I think happened on the Slytherin side of the war.

Malfoy stood in front of a girl, Harry recognized her as his wife Astoria Greengrass.

"Dray..."She said tears in her eyes. Two other teens walked in, Pansy Parkinson and Blaise Zabini.

"Draco!" Pansy rushed to his side. He said nothing but leaned into her when she put an arm around her shoulder. Astoria stood up and left the room, wiping the tears that were spilling from her eyes.

"What happened mate?" Blaise asked sitting where Astoria was. He said nothing but shoved his left arm near Blaise. The dark skinned boy rolled up the sleeve revealing the Dark mark.

"Oh Dray," Pansy whispered. She pulled the blond into a hug and silent tears escaped his eyes.

"What are you gonna do?" Blaise asked.

"I have no choice, I have to follow his orders. If I don't,my mother, he'll..."

"You don't have to say it." Pansy said. She released Draco and stood up walking over to a desk to grab some parchment and a quill.

"What are you doing?" Malfoy asked.

"Writing to Remus. He'll know what to do." How did they know Remus?

"We shouldn't bother him Pans, he's in mourning." Blaise said.

"Sirius died, remember?" How did they know that?

"I know but we have to tell someone in the order,"

"She's right,as always." Blaise sighed.

*Scene changes*

Malfoy was in a bed in the infirmary, Harry knew why.

Astoria was on his side talking to him.

"I'll kill him!" Pansy raged in.

"Who does that pathetic half blood thinks he is?" Theo roared.

"I'll kill him, Mudblood and the Blood traitor." Blaise was furious. Harry had never seen him like this.

"He can't just go around throwing curses like that! Savior or not." Daphne said.

"That's enough! Before you try and kill Potter, focus on Draco's health." Astoria yelled.

"I'll focus on him after I kill Potter." Pansy said, the other three Slytherins nodded.

"It's all my fault." Snape said grimly. "He found my book, that was my spell."

"If anyone's to blame its me," Malfoy insisted, "I was going to crucio him."

"But you didn't mean it." Astoria reminded.

"Darling, who's side are you on?" Malfoy chuckled.

"Yours." She giggled, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Get some rest."

"Potter better watch his back," Blaise grinned evily.

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