Chapter 22

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It was Christmas morning and Teddy was sleeping peacefully. Until the sound of footsteps (which resembled the Jumanji theme) came barreling through the door and both James and Teddy were brutally attacked by Scarlet and Victoire.

"Merry Christmas!" Victoire giggled.

"Mmph......too early.........sleep more.......happy later....." Teddy mumbled.

"Aw c'mon, you don't mean that! It's Christmas morning!" Scarlet said.

"Too early.......sleep better...." James groaned.

"Guys wake up! Teddy, up!" Victoire poked him with her finger.


"Potter wake up!" Scarlet ruffled James' hair.

"How about no."

Both girls did not seem pleased with this and continued to quite literally nag both him and James to the point of insanity. They both decided they'd had enough and proceeded to come to an arrangement.

"Teddy!" Victoire shrieked when Teddy pulled her down from on top of him and trapped her beside him in his arms. James followed suit and flipped both of them so Scarlet was on her back before lying down directly on top of her, if Teddy hadn't been so tired he would've probably fangirled. But then again, his main focus was the blonde beauty he held in his arms.

"Five minutes, then we're up." He negotiated, both girls exchanged a look before nodding, Scarlet settled herself more comfortably beneath James and wrapped her arms around him and allowed him to settle between her legs (not as sexual as it sounds), her hands raked through his hair. Said boy gave an approving hum before seemingly drifting off. Victoire adjusted herself by tucking her head underneath his and her arms around him while intertwining their legs. In their shared space, he could feel her heartbeat speed up and he wondered if it was because she was uncomfortable, her sigh of content proved otherwise.

Teddy had no idea how long the four of them had been on the bed but he was sure that it was not just five minutes. The girls had drifted off asleep and both him and James decided not to wake them, they'd get a few more minutes to sleep too after all. They were only interrupted by someone clearing their throat.

"Now I don't know what this is and to be completely honest I'm not sure I want to know." Al said.

"I feel like I should ask, but I don't want to be scarred for life." Rose said.

"Why the fuck is James on top of my sister?" Scorpius scolded.

"James is on top of who?" Ginny yelled from downstairs.

"Jeez Scorp, you make it sound so wrong." Scarlet laughed.

"How could it possibly sound right? He's on top of you!" Scorpius argued.

"Al control your boyfriend." James grumbled

"Control your girlfriend." Al retorted.

"She's not my girlfriend."

"He's not my boyfriend."


"James get off of my sister." Scorpius scowled.

"No. She's comfy." James said snuggling back into Scarlet's arms. Teddy knew Victoire was awake because she was trying to muffle her laughter and he found himself trying to do the same.

"You know Draco wouldn't approve of this." Al teased.

"Don't care." James said.

"I swore I'd never use this line but wait until my father hears about this." Scorpius spoke in that high class British accent Teddy had heard only Scarlet speak in a few times. Albus and Rose were holding onto each other for support so they didn't fall down from laughing.

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