Chapter 35

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"What's your problem?" Lysander asked clearly irritated.

"Look your sister shouldn't be allowed to go in the boy's bathroom. She can go into the girl's bathroom like all the other girls." Said the fourth year Gryffindor. 

"He's not my sister you dolt! He identifies as male so he should be allowed in the boy's bathroom like all the other guys." Lysander defended. 

"Stop misgendering him!" Idalia spat, "He's a he."

"Just let him go Lambkins, nobody else has a problem with him." Lily glared. One thing Lily absolutely despised was misgendering, especially since one of her best friends was trans and had just come out.

"That's the problem strawberry," Lambkins spat, "Why is everyone tolerating this girl pretending to be a boy? If you're born a girl you are a girl." 

"Clearly you have no more than three brain cells," Rose stepped in, "Because gender is a social term, it has nothing to do with the human body." 

"Meaning?" a guy beside the Gryffindor asked. A crowd had gathered around to watch the whole thing go down. Poor Lorcan was just trying to use the bathroom when Lambkins and his little posse had ganged up on him.

"Meaning, if Lorcan identifies as male, he is a he." Scorpius spat.

"Right and I'm just supposed to listen to the Death Eater kid?" Lambkins laughed bitterly.

"How the bloody hell did you manage to bring in the past into this?" Albus stepped in to defend his 'best friend' *cough cough* unofficial boyfriend.

"Oh look, Malfoy can't fight his own battles, he needs help from his failure of a friend." Cecil Goldfinch, a sixth year Gryffindor taunted.

"Like we're gonna listen to you two, why don't you Slytherins ever mind your own business?" Lamkins spat.

"Why are you Gryffindors so damn idiotic?" Albus shot back.

"Calling us stupid? Didn't think you were biased against us given your entire family are Gryffindors." Goldfinch sneered.

"I'm not calling all Gryffindors stupid, stupid." Albus glared, "I'm calling  your little group idiotic. Don't worry, I understand it's a hard thing to distinguish that with your single brain cell."

"You little bitch, I'm gonna-" 

"Gonna do what?" the crowd cleared to reveal Delphi, Scarlet and James, "What exactly are you gonna do?"

"What's it to you Diggory?" Lambkins spat.

"Yeah stay out of this you three." Goldfinch said, "This isn't your problem."

"Well here's the thing," Scarlet started, "We're prefects so a brawl in the hall is our problem. Of course I completely understand that you cannot process this with your single brain cell." she winked at Albus who snickered.

"Why are you defending them?" a Gryffindor third year girl asked, "You're a Gryffindor."

"So?" James shot her a deadpan look, "Think that means we're supposed to turn a blind eye? Nah Gryffindor or not I'll call you out for your bullshit." 

"All I want to know is why you all just stood back and watched this all happen?" Delphi directed her gaze to the crowd who suddenly found the floor and walls more interesting, "And you dare say Slytherins are cowards when you all sit back and let a first year be tormented for their gender?"

"Think it's funny do you?" Scarlet sneered, you know the scary 'I'm not afraid to kill you' sneer that only she could pull off, "Why were you all just standing there? If you didn't want to get involved you could've at least called a teacher." 

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