Find your own food

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When the bus finally rolled to a stop, the only person in the Bakusquad left awake was Mina.

Kaminari had somehow managed to slide all the way down in his seat, and his feet were laying on the headrest of the seat in front of him, head tilted slightly to the side, leaning on Sero's side, who's head was bumping on the window. Kaminari's book was also lying open on his neck. When she noticed the bus coming to a stop, she nudged Kirishima's sleeping form beside her. He opened his eyes with a groan.

"We here already..?" He mumbled, his voice low and crackling with sleep.

"I think so? We're kinda in the middle of nowhere though," she commented, stretching her neck to have a better look around.

And it was true. At some point, they had entered a forest that stretched out for what seemed to be forever.

"I don't know what the teachers were worrying about," Kaminari grumbles, rubbing his eyes as he wakes up himself, and stretches. "I don't think someone with a map could find us out here, let alone some villains, don't ya think Sero."

When Sero didn't respond, Kaminari turned to him in annoyance.

"Sero," he said again.

"SERO," he repeated one more time, this time shaking him violently by the shoulders.

"Huh- wha-" he tried to talk as Kami comtinued to shake him.

"Dude you could sleep through an earthquake," he laughed, as Sero properly wakes up. Kaminari leans out the aisle.

"MR AIZAWA WERE HERE," he yells down to the front of the bus.

"I KNOW PROBLEM CHILD," Mr Aizawa's head pops out into the aisle.

"Geez, you'd think he'd be more temperamental after 4 hours of sleep," Mina says.

From the corner of her eye, she can see that Bakugo has also woken up, and is silently glaring at everyone.

Once Mr Aizawa gets up, he organised everyone off the bus. The compartment beneath the bus gets opened by the driver, and everyone grabs their packs. He points them down a dirt path.

"Don't get lost," he says, before going off to talk to the bus driver.

"Come on idiots," Bakugo grumbles, referring to the bakusquad, and taking the lead.

"I almost forgot," Mina giggles, and pulls out her phone, sending the pictures of Bakugo to the rest of the group.

"OI HURRY UP!" Bakugo yells when he sees them distracted.

"Coming!" Mina calls, and they all start hurrying after him.

As they walk down the path, they notice the dirt road becomes skinnier and more unkempt. There are flourishing green bushes leaning onto the path, and soon the class is walking single file down nothing more than a track. They reach a hill, and treck up some stairs that have been cut out of the side. Although their hero training has left them fit enough to not get tired, they were still complaining.

But eventually, the trees opened up to reveal three cabins in a small clearing. There were two large ones and one small one.

"Mr Aizawa must get a seperate cabin," Midoriya pointed out, looking at the smaller building.

"Where the hell do we get our food from?" Bakugo growled, completely ignoring what Midoriya has said.

"You don't!" A woman with dark green hair to her shoulders seems to pop out of nowhere, frightening the class. "You have to cook it all yourselves using small camping cooking sets. Fun right!"

Then a man with dark brown hair in a long plait appears, and this time the class knows that he really did come from nowhere.

"You'll also be in charge of cleaning up after yourselves every night. Both of these activities will be to develop your teamwork and responsibility.

The whole class suddenly starts to talk, evidently unhappy with the new development.

"I thought we were here to train!" Todoroki argues, only to be answered by Mr Aizawa, who has finally caught up with them up the path.

"You are. But physical strength is not the only thing you need in order to be a good hero. You also need to be able to take part in and excel in the lesser part of the team."

"It was all in the information sheet losers," Bakugo growls.

"Weren't you the one asking where we were going to eat?"

"I asked where the fucking food was."

"Oh that!" The girl beams cheerfully. "Your first task is to find it yourself! As soon as you've dropped off your packs, you can get searching!"

Bakugo took a second to give the two instructors a once over.

"You smile too much," Bakugo grumbles, shoving past the pair and making his way towards one of the large cabins.

"That's the girls cabin!" The cheerful girl shouted after him, and Bakugo turned sharply and continue made his way towards the other cabin, making her giggle.

"Well the rest of you should follow your friend's lead and get settled in! You might have a long night of searching to do!"

The class groaned and trudged towards their respective dorms.

"Man I didn't realise this was gonna suck this much," Sero complained to Kaminari.

"I know right? Doesn't help that I'm still half asleep."

They entered the dorm to see that it was actually relatively nice. The cabin had log walls, which they already knew from looking at it from outside, but the inside was decorated with carpet and tapestries, with the bunk beds having bed spreads that varied from patterned dusty greens to browns and oranges.

"Wooow, I feel like I'm living in a hippy den," Kaminari commented, walking over to a bunk bed further into the room.

"Shitty hair, I'm taking the bottom bunk," Bakugo walks over to the bunk opposite the one that Kami chose.

"Uhh, it's probably better if I take the bottom bunk Bakubro, I might break the top one. You're super skinny so it's probably better."

Bakugo takes all of a second to look Kirishima up and down.

"I don't know if your saying your fat or your packed with muscles but either way your gonna be fine. Suck it up and deal with it."

Kirishima sighs, and shoves his pack down underneath the bunk next to Bakugo's.

"You don't have to be so harsh man, I was just saying I'm heavier than you. But we should probably get going and try to find this food. I have a feeling it's gonna take a while."

The Hands At My Throat - kiribakukami soulmate AUTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang