A little date

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Kirishima is sitting on the couch of the foyer when he sees his soulmate come downstairs, wearing a zipped up jacket and long pants.

"No tank top today?" He asks. Usually Bakugo wore the same 5 shirts on repeat.

Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"I look hot either way so what does it matter to you," he grumbles. He pauses and thinks for a second.

"Go get changed into something better." He states, before flopping onto the couch opposite him and pulling out his phone.

"Huh? Why?"

Bakugo glares up at him.

"We're going on a date. Now hurry up."

Kirishima jumped off the couch, saluting to Bakugo with a grin, and then rushed over to the elevator.

As the doors closed, he thought nothing when he saw Bakugo put his phone away.

He didn't really think through how it was impossible to use a phone wearing gloves like the ones Bakugo was wearing.


"So where are we going?" Kirishima asked as they walked down the side of the road.

"I don't know," Bakugo grumbles. "Where to people go on dates?"

"Aw come on Bakugo! You're taking me out on a date I thought you had somewhere planned!"

Bakugo sent him a sly smirk, and Kiri realised he was joking.

"So where are we going then?"

"Just a cafe. It's a place my parents brought me when I was younger, and I thought it might be nice to take you."

Kirishima looked up at Bakugo in surprise. He'd been expecting something more... violent. Bakugo looked at his expression.

"Don't look at me like that! It's nice alright!"

Kirishima smiled up at Bakugo. He seemed a little... off? A bit nervous. It was cute. And he was actually worried about the outcome of the date.

"It's ok! I believe you!" He grinned at Bakugo.

Eventually they got there. It turned out to be a small corner cafe. When they walked in, a bell on the door chimed, but no one noticed over the warm murmur of customers.

Kirishima grinned at Bakugo, and they made their way to the counter, which had cabinets on either side filled with cakes, desserts and pastries.

"Dude! This place is so cool!" Kirishima exclaimed, looking around. He never thought Bakugo would pick somewhere so... soft.

Not that that was a bad thing! But it was a quaint little cafe, and Bakugo dragged him over to a table in the corner, with old looking chairs.

"This cafe reminds me of my mum..." he thought out loud when they sat down. Bakugo raised an eyebrow.

"What about it?" He asked.

And so their date began.


Kaminari wasn't doing much when Mina knocked on his door. Just scrolling through his computer. He was finally free, and now he had to stay in his room for yet another day.

At first he ignored her. He deemed that it would be better if she just thought he wasn't there.

But he had no such luck.

"Kaminari I know your in there!" She yelled through the door, meaning that Kaminari had to heave himself out of his chair and drag himself to the door.

"I'm sick again. You can't come in."

"What!! But you were better just before, we hung out like, yesterday!"

"Yeah well I'm sick again." He didn't care to elaborate. He just wanted to waste the day away, get this whole thing over and done with, and then push it to the back of his mind.

"I have some books for you? I was going to talk to you about them, since you liked the other one from camp, but if you want I can leave them out here?"

"That would be great," he replied, smiling a little bit even though she couldn't see.

"Ok. I hope you get better again."

He waited as he heard a soft thud as she placed the books on the ground, before her footsteps slowly faded away. Only when he heard the elevator doors close did he open his door to pick up the small pile of books and pull them into his dorm.

Door closed and away from prying eyes, Kaminari decided to have a look at the books in more detail. Only after the third book did he pick up on a pattern.

They were all gay.

"I swear to god Mina..." he sighed disappointedly.

But it wasn't like he had anything else do.

So he picked the one with a green cover, and lay down on his bed.

As long as no one knew that he actually read them, he'd be fine.


"You're telling me you once FAILED A CLASS?!?!" Kirishima exclaimed as they were walking back to the dorms. Bakugo rolled his eyes.

"It wasn't a proper class shitty hair, it was some random ass health thing where they asked us whether or not we'd stand up to a bully. I said that I'd blast anyone to pieces."

Kirishima gave Bakugo a mocking glance.

"Bakugo, don't you think that says something about you?"

"Tch, I know that now. Tell them what they want to hear, not what you actually think, is he real lesson that class taught me."

"You are- impossible Bakugo. Impossible." Kirishima started laughing, and although Bakugo didn't join in, he did smile a little.

"Hey, what do you want to dinner tonight. It's on me, I'll cook."

Kiri's eyes lit up.

"For real!! You'll cook!!"

Bakugo smiled and gave him an affectionate shove.

"Only for you shitty hair."

Kirishima scrunches up his face in concentration, being very careful with his decision.

Of course, Bakugo cooking for others was out of character, but they were soulmates now, right? That meant that Bakugo would be nicer to him.

They entered the dorms, and Bakugo swooped into the kitchen, and started cooking up Kirishima's choice, which had been pasta.

"You're gonna cook it from scratch?!" He exclaimed when he saw Bakugo kneading some dough.

"No way am I using some shitty store bought pasta Kirishima."

Now that caught Kiri off guard. Actually using his name? In a casual circumstance? He should've been suspicious, but instead his heart fluttered warmly.

All he could think about was how lucky he was that Bakugo was his soulmate, and how he would never need anyone else.

Um... hi
Me? Not updating for over 2 weeks?
Pfft, nooooooo.
Enjoy this to make up for it.

The Hands At My Throat - kiribakukami soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now