The dream

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They look like gemstones, Denki thinks.

His fingers trail over the sparkly surface of his skin. Some red trailing down his forearm, some amber sliding down his other shoulder.

Where are they? He suddenly thinks. I've met my soulmates, but where are they? Who are they?

He wracks his brain, but nothing comes up. He stands up, they have to be around here somewhere.

Somewhere in this huge forest, he thinks.

He looks around, but he's wandering aimlessly. He's unfamiliar with the terrain, but it never occurred to him that he might be lost.

I can't have lost them, he thinks, looking down at his hands. But where there were previously flashing colours, now are only white marks.

That's right, I haven't met them yet, he thinks. He must've been seeing things.

But he continues to search anyway, for what he doesn't quite know. When he looks behind a particularly large log, he sees a man.

A dead man.

Then the dead man opens his eyes.

He wasn't dead then, just asleep.

But Denki jumps away anyway, and gets into his fighting stance. The man stands up. Wait, Denki thinks, wasn't he the guy who attacked me in the forest?

Denki's muscles tense in anticipation, and he quickly tries to decide whether he should fight or run. But the man doesn't attack. Instead, he just laughs maniacally, and begins to fade away into the bush.

Suddenly, the forest isn't very well lit. Every shadow cast is pitch black, and in the shadows, Denki can see burning red eyes glaring at him through he branches. His muscles suddenly decide to respond, dragging him as far away as he can, as fast as he can.

But the second he turns around, he's met with a flash of sharp teeth. He can't tell whether it's a grin or a sneer, but he doesn't take the time to stick around and figure out which one.

His body takes him through the bush. He has no idea where he's going, but he knows he is going somewhere.

And when he arrives, he still doesn't know where he is. It's the entrance to a cave, but he has no clue why he's there.

He slows down to a walk, and ducks through the entrance. At first, it's dark, but after turning a corner, the cave is dimly lit by an unidentifiable source, that's somewhere further into the cave. He touched the walls of the cave, and found they were sharp. When he looked closer, he found that they were littered with small clusters of red and orange crystals.

He ventured further into the cave, and begins to relax. For some reason, this place is safe.

But just as quickly as that feeling comes, it goes again. As he gets closer to the light source, he starts to get nervous again. This place isn't safe. No, it used to be safe, it's not anymore. Something happened.

Everything inside him is telling him to turn around and leave now, and he wants to, but something keeps dragging him in. Something that wasn't him. Almost like he was being controlled by someone's quirk.

No, no I don't want to go in, he thinks. But his legs keep walking. He wants to scream, but his mouth refuses to open.

Then he turns the corner, as sees what's been emitting light this whole time. A small room, completely covered in a beautiful, glowing yellow stone. Not bright enough to hurt his eyes, but bright enough to cast sharp shadows behind him.

Against his will, he continues into the cave, and raises his hand to touch the wall.

"Ndkfnfd s this isn't going to work anymore smxkrjebdn..."

"Djejfjfs this is ALL YOUR FAULT YOU DUMB JDKD ckdndncne..."

He wants to look around, but he can't.

And then he feels the hands around his throat.


Knock knock knock knock.

"Jesus Christ who is that?"

"I'm not getting it."

"Me either."

"Fine, I'll get it," Mina groans, rolling off her bed at the bottom of the bunk.

Knock knock knock knock.

The knocking's more frantic now, but Mina just rolls her eyes and sighs.

"I'm coming! Jesus Christ."

She opens the door, fully expecting some bright and bubbly camp councillor to be standing there, ready to make their life a living hell at 2 o'clock in the morning for 'training purposes'. But she isn't.

Instead, when she opens the door, her gaze is brought downwards, where a shaking, sweating Kaminari looks up at her, panic in his eyes.

"Mina, can I please come in?" He gets out shakily.

"Huh? Denki?" She questions, but she opens the door to let him in anyway.

He slides in gratefully, before slumping against the wall, and taking some deep breaths.

The ruckus causes the rest of the girls to look up curiously.

"Thanks Mina."

"Kami, are you ok?" She asks, mum mode activating.

"Yeah, yeah sorry. This quirk's really messing with my head."

"Did you have a bad dream?" She asks, and he nods.

"What was it about?"

"Well it-" he starts, but then he looks confused.

"I- I can't remember." Mina nodded.

"That's ok. Are you feeling better now?"

He nods again.

"Would it be possible for me to stay here? For the rest of the night?"

He remembers their conversation from earlier that day.

"I mean, if you don't want me in here, you can lock me in your bathroom or something. I don't really care. I know you probably don't want me in your cabin but I don't think I can even go back into the boys cabin."

Mina looks down at Denki, sitting on the floor. Even though he had calmed down, he still looked a wreck.

"We actually have an entire spare bunk. You can use that."

Denki sighed in relief.

"Thanks, I-"

"On one condition," Mina cuts him off, and he looks up.

"You never communicate with that disgusting Mineta ever again."

Kaminari doesn't have to put much thought into that decision.

"Deal," he says, and Mina pulls him off the floor, and they shake hands.

"It was nice doing business with you," She salutes to him playfully, and he laughs.

But as the rest of the girls fall back asleep, becoming disinterested in the situation, she can't help but worry about Denki.

That quirk was really having an affect on him.


I mean, you probably did, but I sure didn't. Surprised myself with that. The motivation flowing out of my fingertips has made me capable of accomplishing things I didn't expect myself to accomplish.

Anyway, hoped you liked the chapter! Have an absolutely smashing day.

The Hands At My Throat - kiribakukami soulmate AUWhere stories live. Discover now