Paper Airplanes.

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Ch. 1. Realizing

Journey groaned sitting in the passenger’s seat of the rented car waiting outside the DMV. The driver seat was filled with Harry staring at her waiting for her to exit the car. He continued to give her dry reassurance about taking her driver’s test, but Journey had convinced herself that something terrible was going to end up happening. Like running over something, or someone; maybe the president was in the city and he just so happened to be in the same road Journey was in and Journey just loses her concentration and crashes into the president’s car. The worst part would be if both the president and Journey stood alive in the giant car crash she had imagined, then she’ll end up going to jail and the whole world would know that the president was having a secret vacation in New York City.

It was like Harry read Journey’s mind when he said, “you’ll do fine.” There was laughter in his voice, “it’s not like you’re going to kill the president.” Journey felt a slight bit of annoyance flowing through her veins. Annoyed from being so damn anxious and annoyed from the thought of Harry reading her like a book, “I was nervous the first time I took my test too, but I still passed it.”

She rolled her eyes, “says the guy who could perform in front of thousands of people a night.” Harry smirked slightly but he was getting tired of Journey continued to make childish jokes about Harry’s career. “And don’t tell me that you get nervous and you try not to show it, because you’re shit at trying to hide your emotions.”

It was true, Harry was complete shit at hiding his emotions; he had the face that would let out any slight emotion once he felt it. It was a good and bad thing, but so was everything else in the world. “Sorry, I didn’t learn it in pop star school,” Harry said annoyingly jokingly, “now get out of the car.” He unlocked her side of the door. “I’ll pick you up when you have your license, because you’re going to get it.” Journey unbuckled her seatbelt and then looked back at Harry with her mouth pouted, “Go!”

This time she pushed her eyebrows together from his voice getting louder and groaned while she got out of the car. Harry watched her stomp her way toward the DMV building then stopped when she saw someone else was in the area.

It was a chilly day in New York City today, the sun was out but it wasn’t sunny, you could see the wind pushing the tops of trees violently which said a thick sweater wouldn’t be the best but since Journey didn’t really enjoy jackets, that’s what she wore. It gets her sick most of the time, but complaining wasn’t an option because she didn’t have to go to school sometimes. School being a reason why Journey shouldn’t really take this stupid drivers test; she walks to school. What’s the point of having a car if you can’t drive it?  Especially in the city, there’s never a parking space and if there is, it’s probably ticket worthy.  Of course it was for emergencies but what emergency can happen that she’ll need a car? Also, paying for gas sucks. But Journey’s sister Karina paid for her test and everything, so of course Journey had to do it and pass.


Surprisingly enough, Journey walked out of the DMV with her head held high and she saw Harry standing outside of his car with his hoodie up. It had begun drizzling, so Journey put her hoodie up as well and walked toward the black car. “So?” Harry asked before she got to him.

She shrugged and then smiled widely, “I passed!” She cheered. She wanted to play as if she didn’t, but she was too excited, she had actually passed something. Not just anything, her freaking drivers test! Journey threw her arms up into the air with her permit and Harry automatically wrapped his arms around her waist and pulled her to him as they both cheered.

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