Ch. 7. English, Math, and Boys.

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I didn't want to touch Harry as much once I saw Mary across the room in global taking a picture of Harry kissing my hand. I hadn't realized how just maybe she was one of those fans that would want to follow Harry around and take pictures of what he's doing.  So I kept a good distance from Harry as we walked into Ms. Klein’s class; I would say that I was a favorite of Ms. Klein, just because when I walked into the class room she's always saying how she's glad I came. It makes me happy to think that at least one person in the school is glad that I attended.

Usually since Christina came into global we were supposed to leave to forty second street or maybe just the library. But I told her I have to stay all day because if Harry didn't stay all day they have proof I hadn't stayed. She just nodded before hugging me goodbye and going into her French class. I sat down in the middle of the room at the round table with Joshua and Jed; Harry sat where Melissa would usually sit but she hadn't been coming to school for the last couple of days, Harry took her place.

Ms. Klein casually walked around waiting for everyone to enter and sit down so she could start speaking. Ms. Klein was older than the other teachers, but she had more energy than all the other teachers. She was a sixty-six year old teacher who retired early from fashion because she wanted to be a teacher so she could teach some people her knowledge and share her experiences. But most of the people in this school don't appreciate Ms. Klein as much as I do; they try to fire her, they try putting her down, they don't respect her enough and don't understand her wit. But she knows how fabulous she is, she won't let them stop her doing her job, and that's what I love about her and I respect her with every ounce inside of me.

Ms. Klein casually walked over to our table and stuck her hand out at Harry, "Clare Klein, I see you're the surprise visitor we have today. I assume you're here to keep our little knuckle head Journey in place?" She smirked at me as she shook hands with Harry, "or you're here so she could prove a point that I still don't believe." She murmured while nudging me softly.

I smiled as Harry laughed, "I'm trying to see her point, but in the meantime I'll be here enjoying your presence." Harry smiled cheekily before Ms. Klein laughed and began getting everyone quiet and telling us what we're supposed to do for the day.

"Sometimes, Harry," I began, "I try to defend you saying you're not into older women, but I can't now." I said while picking up the class book we'd been reading for a while now.

Ms. Klein was making us read a play by August Wilson called Fences. It was a cool play about back in the day and this family struggling but it'll mostly follow Troy Maxson, who is a father and a driver who sells watermelons. From what we've read so far, Troy's cheating on his wife Rose with some lady Alberta, but obviously Rose doesn't know about it. Troy has a couple of children, but only one with Rose which is Cory and he wants to be a football player but Troy wants him to do better than he did and he wants him to work at a local grocery shop called the A&P. There's a bunch of drama in the book, involving friendship and family and relationships; I wasn't too into it but then it began getting good, like when Rose found out Troy was cheating, and when Troy and Bono had a fight about Troy not making the Fence, Rose had told him to do for months. Or when Troy was giving his life story and saying how he ran away and he was living on his own since he was fourteen and he got a lady pregnant and always robbed to get food and once he got caught and went to jail. That's where he met Bono and during one of the Baseball games he had, he met Rose. Then everything goes downhill from there.

After Ms. Klein read an intense scene where Troy and Cory were arguing and Troy was having a talk with death, she told us to begin working on our critical lens essay and boy did no one understand how much I hated critical lens essays, I hated the fact that I had to compare two books with one quote. I found no purpose of it and I didn't think I would need it in my future, but since I had to do it, and I wanted to make Ms. Klein happy and basically thank her for having hope in me when I don't even have hope in myself; I'll do the essay.

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