Ch. 4. Gifts, meetings and party!

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Harry and I waited in the lobby of a hotel; apparently we were heading to Emma Stone's birthday party. Emma. Freaking. Stone. As in Easy A, as in The Help, and as in my girl crush. I've loved Emma Stone for so freaking long, she's the most amazing person I've ever heard of and I'm going to her freaking birthday party, no one understands how much I'm freaking excited. I looked over at Harry who continued to mess with his brown shirt under his jacket; he kept pressing his palms against his jeans, and he kept running his fingers through his hair. Harry was nervous, he was terrified about something and I wanted to know what was making the kid so nervous. "Harold." I said he looked down at me; My back was leaning against the chair waiting for something interesting to happen. I patted the seat next to me, "Come have a seat."

Harry sighed before he walked over to me and sat down, he was leaning his elbows on his knees, Harry sighed again before looking at me, "I don't want to go through this." He said almost as a whisper and almost so vulnerable, like he was about to burst into tears any second. He reached back, his fingers fiddling with the necklace that lay around his neck; he took it off before motioning me to turn around. I was confused on what he was trying to do, what he planning on murdering me even if people could see us? Eh, I doubt it, the biggest concert of his life just happened three days ago, he can't murder someone now. Harry placed the necklace around my neck, "move your hair." He murmured, I grabbed my hair in my hand pulling it to the side as he clipped the necklace together.

I looked down at the necklace, the paper airplane necklace he had when he was on the x factor. Harry told me the story behind the necklace; it kept him sane during the hardest times he had. "Flies high; easily broken." That was the quote he told me he made up about the necklace. I looked up into Harry's bright green eyes, "I can't take this." I said shaking my head.

Harry shook his, "Hold on to it for me." He said simply, "everything's going to start getting rough and it's not going to be easy. I'm just hoping with that necklace around your neck, you'll look down like I did and just know that somewhere there's an escape and it's closer than you think."

"You're more poetic than you think, Styles." I said looking up and seeing Lou and Tom walking toward us. They had small smiles on their face, but smiles like they didn't even want to be there. I'm wondering who else knew, or was it everyone? I know Harry makes the wrong mistakes sometimes, and I know that but no matter what happens, I'll stick by his side and I won't give up on him.

"Taylor's ten minutes away." Lou said as she leaned against Tom. I always admire them both; they were the type of marriage I always wanted, where I could fart, burp and you could see all the bad of me and you'll stay by my side. That was Tom and Lou, they were the couple who would laugh about farting and burping, they'll call each other stinky and shitfaced and ugly, they play fight more than they should and they made the most adorable baby on this planet. I wanted something like that, I wanted to get married to my best friend like Lou and Tom.

Harry sighed, pressing his lips into a line before nodding. I knew he was wondering why I wanted to meet her, but I wanted to see what's so bad about her. I bought her new album, and it was amazing; I also have her Speak Now album and that one's amazing too. Even though I know Taylor only writes about her past relationships, she's an amazing song writer, and her voice is incredible. Sure she has a bunch of bad relationship, and maybe she should've learned the difference of a boy to a man, but maybe and eventually she will. But then again, what is she suppose to be singing about; most artist sing about what they know most of, rappers sing about 'bad bitches and money' Taylor Swift sings about heart breaks and what she wants love to be.

I get the fact that everyone is scared Harry might fall into it. Or maybe that's just me that's scared, because I know in Harry's mind he'll try to make everything work, and knowing how amazing Harry is, Taylor has to fall for his charm, and then when they break up, because eventually it'll happen ... All this bad crap about him is going to wash down on him, and I've seen Harry cry and it's not the best thing to watch. I hate watching him cry over hate, it's not worth watch your best friend cry because his fans are turning their back on him.

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