Ch. 19. Mistakes.

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Ch. 19. Mistakes.

So my day wasn’t too bad. Of course it was those were we just stood in a park because we had nowhere else to go and it was probably below freezing outside but Christina, Sid and I huddled together to keep warmth and we joked about laughed and we told stories.

We reminisced about when we all first met in ninth grade and all of the stupid things we would say and jokes we had; at the very beginning of our friendship we would all call each other the opposite gender of our names, Christina was Christian, Sid’s stood, it was just Sydney, and so did mine.

I always got confused about my name and why my mom named me Journey. It’s not the most Hispanic name in the book, and I’m pretty sure it’s not even a name in any book for kids names; but she told me when I was younger that she wanted to name me Journey because when she was with my father they would always be traveling, either to different States or to just go see somewhere new; my mom said she wanted to name me Crystal and no one knows how much I liked my name after she told me that. She said she wanted me to be adventurous and take journeys all around the world and I do want to do that so I guess the name kind of fits me.

When I explained that to Christina she told me her name was supposed to be Jasmine Rose, but her mom changed it to Christina because she liked it better; although Jasmine Rose is a beautiful name as well.  Sid skipped his because he never really cared about his name; it was always just there. No matter who it was, a teacher, a friend, a new stranger slash soon to be friend, they would call him Sid.

We joked about Dane Cook a lot too, he was one of our favorite comedian’s and that’s how Christina and I met; well that’s how we really became friends. We met in the locker rooms when everyone was changing for gym; me being the new kid I went up to Christina and asked her what exactly are we supposed to do. If it wasn’t obvious enough everyone was changing into their gym clothes and I was there in skinny jeans and a thin black sweater, I was already sweating. But Christina just smiled to me and told me that you change into your gym clothes and then you go out and do what the teacher says. I couldn’t exactly change so I just walked out and began walking laps and once they blew the whistle I went up to one of the teachers and told them that I’m supposed to be in their class and I was new; she gave me a floor spot a couple of seats away from Christina and she smiled at me brightly and waved.

After that we realized we had a couple of classes together, so we sat with each other and one day I just opened up and said one of my favorite Dane Cook jokes and Christina laughed so hard and she continued the joke with me and I laughed as hard as she did because someone finally knew the joke. We continued to talk about Dane Cook jokes and other comedians. From then on we’ve became closer and closer and now it’s basically we talk every day and she’s probably the only human being in that school that I can actually call a friend.

Sid, well we met weird. I was terrified of Sid at first; he has really long hair that reached past his shoulders; middle of his back I would say. He had vision problems and he would always squint his eyes because he couldn’t see, but I obviously didn’t know that, so I thought he was always glaring at me. One time Joshua and Christina said that they invited him to our table in living environment and I was kind of scared, I wouldn’t want to sit next to someone who obviously didn’t like me. But when we got to class Sid was cool, he was funny and I really liked his laugh for some reason; honestly I liked him for a while in freshman year.

That was the same time I bumped into Harry and Louis on the train, and I became a little closer to them. That’s when I began skipping school more to hang out with them and sooner or later Sid and I lost contact and we barely spoke. When sophomore year came I had about two classes with Sid and I never went to them. Christina and I were always close because well, we’re all we had. She was the reason I would go to school and I was her reason to go to school. Our friendship had always been weird but at the same time we just enjoy the time that we have together.

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