Ch. 21. Shadows of the photo of us on bedside tables.

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Ch. 21. Shadows of the photo of us on bedside tables.  

My cousin’s kid is evil. He’s only three and he curses and me and when I tell him he can’t hang out in the hallway by himself he’ll give me the finger. Harry laughed at me the first time but the second time I got pissed off. So I grabbed him and threw him over my shoulder and the little brat began hitting my back with his small fist and I handed him to his grandmother and my aunt just let him go to his great grandmother. My aunt Millie told me how she doesn’t deal with him anymore, last year at this party she was with him and he wouldn’t speak to anyone and he was really quiet and nice. One year later he’s bitter and cursing at me like I was trying to ruin his life. My cousin Zully is twenty four and she had another baby Nina six months ago; honestly Nina is cool, sure she’s six months but she isn’t like most babies, she’ll get her food and then she’ll go to sleep and she wouldn’t cry about her diaper but she’ll pull your clothes or try throwing something at you to get your attention. I never knew there was a baby that doesn’t cry, but she exist.

Harry and I stood outside of the door watching everyone in the house dancing and drinking; as much as I hate to admit it, my mother was the voice of the party; she’s the only voice you would hear, yelling for her friends and laughing while saying something she’ll think is funny. Of course everyone was laughing at her, people around the neighborhood and the boys and some family members were laughing at her, but I knew they were laughing at her, not with her and my mom didn’t know that. It was embarrassing, she would sing loudly and off tune and she would try dancing with Harry, but honestly watching Harry trying to dance to Hispanic music made my whole day.

He would try to copy my mom but his moves were more awkward, my mom had a cup of wine in one hand and in the other she had a beer bottle and she was shifting from foot to foot and every once in a while she would turn and laugh and try shaking her butt and Harry was forced to dance along until my mom turned around and I pulled Harry away and I pretend we were dancing because I didn’t want to embarrass him anymore. One of Harry’s hands was on the small of my back and he was holding my other hand while we waited for my mom to find another dancing buddy, but when she saw the both of us she made a joke about us being together and then she began talking to her friends and her boyfriend about what had happen a week ago. So I was trying to just have a three step dance with Harry until he bent down to my hair and told me he wanted to learn how to dance to this kind of music, so I tried my best to begin teaching him. The same three step dance I taught Niall, but of course Niall learned quicker than Harry did because Niall dances like an idiot all the time. But with Harry he was having trouble because there wasn’t much space to actually teach him so I told him to try and copy everything I do except for the turns and fancy stuff. Harry wasn’t bad, but he wasn’t good, but at the same time I’ve seen worse. So we continued with the three step dance until the song was over and then we decided to go to the room with my sister and cousin and everyone else who was there. Zully was there with her two kids and Jenny and Karina, then adding Harry and I who had to sit on a computer chair and I was sitting on his lap. 

I’m usually not comfortable with sitting on someone’s lap, so while I was sitting on Harry’s I was trying my hardest to hover over him but it was difficult because he would wrap his arms around my waist and pull me down because he wanted to lean his chin on my shoulder. So Harry and I stood like that while everyone else took over my sister’s bed. Jenny was feeding Nina and her son; who she calls Papi was talking to Zully and Karina; I was paying attention to Papi speaking while Harry was watching Yo Gabba Gabba.

It’s funny to watch kids speaking because they know what they’re trying to say, but you have no idea. They say all the words they know how to say and put it all in one sentence, “but Superman doesn’t need diapers.” You’re right, Papi, Superman doesn’t need diapers, I’m glad you know how to put one and two together.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2014 ⏰

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