Ch. 2. Where it beings

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Ch. 2. Where it begins.

I groaned turning around in my bed again, I looked at the time. It's only 11 and I've been trying to sleep since nine but I can't. I don't know why, I'm cold. I drank some hot chocolate before I laid down. I have my comfy PJ's on. What else do I need to fall to sleep? I took a long thought; for the past two weeks I've been sleeping fine, cold, hot chocolate, comfy PJ's, cuddle buddy... Cuddle buddy. I need Harry to sleep now. I took a second and thought about it, and it's true, I can't sleep without being in his arms.

It's the way my head fits perfect in the crook of his neck and the way his chest rises against my body, and his arms wrapped around my waist. The bad thing? He snores like a wild animal, like he knows where your ear is, so he'll do it perfectly there, and so loud. But at this moment I miss it, I'm happy him and the boys sold out Madison Sqaure Garden, and he told me I could go, but I told him "if I didn't pay for my ticket, I'm not going anywhere." Then he called me stubborn, I don't think I'm stubborn, I'm just saying, if I didn't pay for my ticket I'm not going, and he's not going to pay it for me.

I groaned grabbing my phone off of it's charger and opened twitter. It was probably a bad idea because I was getting attacked with tweets, I don't know what for. "Journey are you dating Harry?" "Are you at the concert?" "Why aren't you supporting the boys?"

I started replying back to almost everyone. "I'd love to be at the concert, but I wanted to pay for my own ticket and it was a sold out show." "No, I'm not dating Harry, we're just friends." "I want to be at the concert, but like I said; I couldn't buy a ticket."

"Harry didn't invite you to the concert?" "What do you feel about Haylor?"

Haylor? The fuck is a Haylor. I would make corny jokes about it, but the name just does it, itself. I continue going down my twitter and kept reading about this 'Haylor'. Harry and Taylor Swift were seen in Central Park today ... Hooray? What, the kid can't go on a innocent date with someone? I saw some pictures and everything seemed innocent. What's the big deal? But this 'Haylor' wasn't any of my bussniess, so I wasn't going to talk about it.

"Are you sleeping?" I got a text message from Harry.

I chuckled, "I can't."

"Why is that?"

"You're not here to snore in my ear." I smirked and pushed the blanket off of me, I'm starting to get heated because my eyes are sleepy but I know I won't be able to sleep, the cold air kissed my body but I kept the blanket off. I heard my door open, luckly I locked my phone because if my mom knew I was on it, I would probably be dead. "How was the concert though?" I text Harry again. Once the text was sent I heard a bell sound, I pushed my eyebrows together and looked at my phone again, but there wasn't a message... Strange. Then that's when I felt a familar body next to mine, his hand on my hip as he slid the warm blanket over the both of us.

"How was it?" I asked sinking my body into his, I left my eyes closed, as his soothing voice whispered to me.

"It was incredible. I can't believe it actually happened, I want to go back again and do it over and over again." He whispered as he laid his head on my shoulder.

"I wish I could've been there, but your fans bought the tickets way too fast." I chuckled.

"I told you, I'll give you bac-"

"And I told you I'm not taking anything I didn't pay for. I don't care how rich and popular you get, I will pay for my own stuff."

"Journey, can you at least come to the jingle ball?"

"Pfft, I been had tickets for that. Now shut up and sing to me."

Harry laughed softly before taking a moment to think about what he was going to sing. Then he opened his mouth and began, "should I put coffee and gronla on a tray in bed? And wake you up with all the words I haven't said. And tender touches just to show you how I feel? Or should I act so cool like it was no big deal?"

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