Ch. 18. "Are you sucking Harry's cock?"

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Ch. 18. “Are you sucking Harry’s cock?”

I don’t understand how right after New Year’s I’m supposed to go back to school. Like, I can’t a couple of days to the new year to myself? I just have to go back to hell and say I had a good break but in reality my break was pretty shitty. I didn’t do anything, my grandmother is gone, it’s cold out but I still manage to wear a thick sweater because I don’t do coats unless I’m wearing one of the boys things that I stole from them. But otherwise I’m sick because I don’t wear a coat. To be honest the best day out of my vacation; as cheesy as it sounds, it was yesterday. I stretched and looked to my side seeing a sleeping harry, I see how my alarm didn’t seem to wake him up and I wonder how he wakes up in the morning when he needs to, but then I just looked at him sleeping, he seemed to placid, his soft lips were parted softly as he took in air for his lungs and then let out soft snores. His long eyelashes were feathered softly against his cheek and his soft pale skin was illuminated by the sun that was peeking through the window, his hair was a mess, but I loved it. Some of his fringe was in his face and some parts of it were pushed back and some was scattered all around the pillow. I smiled softly at him as I lifted his arm that was laying on his torso and wrapped it around me as I just laid there with him, I placed my head on his chest and I could hear his steady heartbeat. I always wondered what was so good about heartbeats and why was it so romantic to hear, but listening to the person I just might be in love with heart beating was something I couldn’t really explain; just to know that he has blood going through his body to keep him alive and he has lungs and a functioning heart makes me gritty inside. I had my chin on his chest and I was now looking up at him, I do this sometimes, just look up at him and stare at him thinking about what could be going through his mind, what is he dreaming about? Is he having a nightmare? What is he afraid of? I know he doesn’t like spiders, and he sometimes says he doesn’t like giraffes but that was after I told him I didn’t like giraffes; I had to explain to him why I didn’t like them. With their long necks and long legs and they just freak me out, I remember seeing two giraffes fight and they used their necks and sometimes get on their back legs and stand and they’re tall, like taller than you could explain and I just imagine them squishing me and I imagine them stepping all over me and killing me. Sure they’re not supposed to be harmful but sometimes they could do something they’ve never thought about, like stepping on poor little me and kill me and break every bone in my body. But then I think about the things that might make him happy, like traveling or helping people; he really likes that, like that one time we went to LA and he left a guy a hundred dollars while he was sleeping and walked away. To be honest that might be the first time I really realized he was attractive. I think you fall in love with someone because of the things they do; like something you’ve dreamed of doing but you can’t do as much as he does. Harry’s a huge pop star who loves to sing and travel the world and he’s sees more places than you could ever explain and he looks around thinking about all of the people he would want to try to help. He’ll give away almost everything he has to just make the world a better place; there’s something about that, that makes your heart whelm up, just to know that there’s a human being that wants to help make the world a better place. An actual living human being that you consider to be the most perfect thing walking on this earth, he may not think he’s perfect but you do. You see everything he doesn’t see, like the way he has his tongue out before he takes a bite of something, or the way he walks and his hips sway a bit but you look at his shoulders and their so broad and his body just has this way with itself where it just makes him look like a model. Or the way his eyes look when he’s just woken up, so soft and yawning with exhaustion but his smile tells you otherwise, his smiles tells you he’s had a good night sleep and his eyes are puffy and you’ll hear him speaking in his morning voice and it’s so deep and gruffly. Or the way when you’re speaking his eyebrows would furrow and he’ll look at you with such concentration and you can’t imagine what he’s thinking about what you’re saying but just for a moment, you feel like someone is actually taking in every word you’re speaking, they’re inhaling it into their blood system and it’s roaming all over their body and their mind and just for a moment you’re the one thing that’s on their mind.

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