Ch. 6. A Long Day.

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Niall saying he loves me was my alarm to wake up in the morning for school; or my alarm for anything. I thought it was cute the way he took my phone without me noticing it, I thought it was weird when I woke up in the morning and all I heard was his Irish accent saying my name and saying he loves me. I didn’t change it thought because I thought it was pretty sweet, and maybe I need to wake up to someone saying they love me, even if that person is miles away and I can’t do anything about that. I groaned turning off the alarm before throwing my head back onto the pillow before someone turned the light on and making me hide under my covers. “Rise and shine.” I heard Harry singing, I wanted to kill him; why would he even think about waking me up? And how is he up before I am? I groaned into my pillow before the blanket was pulled off of me and I was left in an oversized t-shirt with no pants in the cold air of my room. “Come on.” Harry said grabbing both of my wrists and pulling me to sit straight, “it’s a new dawn, it’s a new day, it’s a new life.” Harry sang as he moved my arms from side to side trying to wake me up. I looked up at the guy trying to make me dance, he was in his underwear and completely shirtless, two birds on his chest right underneath his collarbones. I hated that tattoo and I told Harry, every time he gets a tattoo that I don’t know about and it has no meaning behind it, I’m probably going to hate it. I hate those birds, he says he got it because it was supposed to be something between him, Zayn and Louis, but quite frankly I don’t care if it’s a friendship tattoo, it’s stupid and it doesn’t has anything to do with him and his friends. “Come on, I’m going to school with you. I woke up early to convince your school that I was going to be there with you to prove a point or something. I had to give them a few bucks, but hey-“

I slapped Harry’s messy curls, “the fuck is wrong with you?” I asked trying not to yell knowing my mom was probably still asleep. “You paid my school so you could come and realize how much everyone is stupid and ignorant?” I asked slapping his curls again.

“Journey, that’s not that point. I want to be there for you, you wanted me to spend a day with you at your school and that’s what I’m going to do. Don’t complain about it, don’t think about the extra shit; I did what I had to do, so let that be.” Harry said softly, I could tell sooner or later he was going to get tired of me. He was slowly giving up on how stubborn I was becoming and how I was being immature, and I had to stop my shit.

I sighed, looking at the time, seven forty-five. “Just, be ready by eight thirty. It’s a fifteen minute walk and I like to be at advisory early.” I said.

Harry just looked at me, I could tell he knew I was thinking something he would say is stupid, but I just didn’t speak, and I watched as Harry leaned in pressing his forehead onto mine. He closed his eyes for a brief moment and I just looked at him, I felt terrible; I was causing him more pressure and I knew all he had was that Taylor situation in his mind, and I didn’t want to be another bullet point on his list so I had to go easy on him today. Harry opened his eyes again and did a small smile, before nodding. I leaned in pressing my lips onto his nose before I jumped off my bed and ran into the bathroom.

I’ve been told I was real good with my timings and everything; my mom told me I got it from my father. I mean why would you blame me though? Stuff needs to be done by a certain time so why not make it easier by calculating the timings and everything. In example, I always wake up at seven thirty; I’ll stay in bed until seven forty-five and then I’ll head to the bathroom and do what I have to do; brush my teeth, used the toilet, all that fun stuff. Then I get out and I turned on the television in my living room and watch music videos until it’s last minute then I get dressed quickly and rush out the house, but I always end up getting to school ten minutes earlier and I’m forced to stand out Mr. Dougherty’s class until he’s done with his class and one of the people from the group of friends come and we talk an awkward conversation and then enter the class room and I’ll be there for about five minutes by myself until either my adviser comes or some people from my small advisory come and they tell me if my adviser is there or not. But that’s just the beginning of the day, if I’m staying the whole day then there’s so much more but if that’s about it before my day begins.

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