Ch. 20. 12 Through 15.

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Ch. 20. 12 Through 15. 

This isn’t like the movies.

He didn’t come back, and he wouldn’t come back. So I went through my whole week alone, I woke up alone and I came home alone and went to bed alone. It didn’t feel right, but there was nothing I could do because it isn’t like the movies where I have to try and win him back. I never had him in the first place. I can’t apologize anymore because sorry isn’t enough; I probably messed up every and any chance I had with Harry.

I don’t know how I made it through my days, with girls continuing to ask me how’s Harry and when is the next time coming to class. Almost every day of the week it’s this group of girls that I don’t really enjoy their presence and they continue to ask me where Harry is and for me to tell them I said hi. Everyday they’ll ask me if he’s coming back; if I remember the day Harry came, I know he never spoke to them. He hadn’t said a word to them and they all wanted to speak to him like they were best friends with him and even worse, like they were best friends with me.

This one girl, Sue, she would continue to ask me to sit with her and she’ll continue to try to speak to me. But I’ll just sit with Christina, Sid and Joshua; Joshua continued to try to see what was wrong between Sid and I since the only time we spoke it was literally us making fun of each other. But we told him nothing was wrong, because nothing was wrong, except we didn’t know what was going on between us, and I didn’t want to ask because I knew Harry would be in the back of my mind.

So after breakfast, Christina, Joshua and I went to Global class and I sat at my usual seat, which nowadays more girls want to sit around me like I’m going to introduce them to Harry again. I didn’t want it to happen because I knew everyone would use him like everyone else does. It frustrates me a lot, I see my best friend being stepped on because he has a big heart, but he doesn’t see it, he just pretends it doesn’t happen.

There was a substitute today, so basically no work was going to be done, except this teacher wanted to talk to us about stuff we enjoy. New teacher, names Mrs. Derek. I liked her name, and I liked the look of her, she was young and she wasn’t a push over. But Mrs. Derek was nice and she asked us a couple of questions and out of the blue I turned to Sid and slapped his arm, “sometime in the future will you come with me to go see Robert the doll?” Sid questioned what it was, “well it’s this doll that’s haunted and he’s in Key West Florida and he blinks and he used to giggle that was apparently terrifying and he’s the inspiration for Chucky!” Everyone around me looked at me as if I was insane but I just shrugged, “it seems interesting to me!” 

“You enjoy stuff like that?” Mrs. Derek asked. I nodded, “why?” I thought about it for a second before I looked over at Christina to help me with an answer. She looked at me and shrugged before speaking, "probably because you believe there are things scarier than reality."

That was probably the most relevant thing anybody has said all day to me. I snapped my fingers at Christina and said, "guess who deserves a high five?!" and we high fived.

I think it's strange sometimes, how someone can know me better than I know myself. I haven't told anyone what happened with Harry, I haven't even told my mom, who continuously ask. My mom was a big believer in Harry and I; she always jokes about us getting married or us kissing on the couch. The one time her boyfriend jokes about us having sex, she freaks out. She made Harry sleep on the couch but when she knocked out, I went to join him. I wouldn't just let Harry sleep on the couch by himself, it's cold in the living room and she gave him a small blanket. But when my mom got up, she didn't freak out, she kind of just accepted the fact that there wasn't a way to get the both of us apart. That was back when everything seemed pretty simple. When it was only one teacher and they taught you all of your subjects. The only problem was being a line leader; except I was always line leader because I was the shortest, and that's when I got hate about it. I didn't want to lead the goddamn line; I don't know where I'm leading myself half of the time.

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