Chapter 21: Unexpected Happiness

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Zeus POV

We encounter lots of challenges in our relationship but now...I wanted to move forward in the new journey of our life. All the people surrounds us know our relationship and we did everything to strengthen our relationship even lots of people talk about us in our back. We did not let them be the hindrance in our relationship it becomes our motivation.

We are going to our house for our traditional feast with our family. I ask my family's help for this. I even ask his hand already to his parents and luckily I got their yes. I hope my plan will be successful.


We are all talking happily but I can't help but to feel nervous. My sister suddenly tap my shoulder.

Are you okay?!? Kuya.
I don't know what to feel.
Don't be nervous Kuya, I know he will say yes to you.
I hope so.

I am nervous right now but at the same time I am happy because they are all here for us. While looking at my friends and my family I can't help to remember the blessing that came in our life.

We are already living in the condo that our parents gave to us. Its been a months already and its been a weeks when I felt something strange towards my baby like now, he suddenly vomit when he smell our breakfast and his been disgusted with it even it is his favorite food.

Drink this and after it we will go to the doctor.
No need. I am fine.
No, your not. Its been weeks that your like that and I am worried. I reach his hand and look at him worriedly. He nod at me in agreement.


I call Aunt Aphrodite for his check-up and I already told her what I observed with my Baby and I know I annoyed him by telling it immediately but he can't blame me because he knows that I am worried as f**k already.

I reach his arm to stop him for a moment.
Baby, talk to me. I did that because I am to worried about your situation. I want Aunt Aphrodite to have idea already. Please baby stop ignoring me. I plead with him and he just sigh and nod at me.

Stop worrying already. I am fine. He tell it while carressing my face.
I can't help it you know how much I love you.
And I love you too.


We're shock when we reach Aunt Aphrodite office because my baby's parent is their. We look at each other and I know what my baby thinking and I shrug because I was shock also that they are here. We kiss Aunt's cheek and I hug Uncle and we also kiss Aunt Aphrodite.

I call your parents Hesperus because I have an idea already whats happening to you. Aunt Aphrodite said.

What is it?!?
Before I tell you, I would like to ask you something. He nod at Aunt.
Did you two already do the deed?!? We almost choke in Aunt's question.
AUNT!?! I said hysterically.

Hesperus, will not feel that kind of symptoms if not Aphrodite. Uncle said and we eyed them.
I don't what to jump in conclusion first because even it has this condition it might have different result.
Wait dad and aunt, what are you talkin about?!? They sigh at us and I can't help to feel nervous. If uncle know about this it means they know it from the beginning. They know it before us.

It means this condition of my baby is not new. It means you already know it beforehand. I am right uncle and aunt?!? They nod at us and I can feel my baby's hand tighten. I look at him and I can feel his lost. I move a little bit with him and kiss his forehead.

Don't worry I will always with you. I can feel that he felt at ease already and suddenly Uncle Lester come in.

Did you wait that long?!? We shrugg at him.
Don't worry too much, Hesperus doesn't have disease and we will not lose him. He look at my baby and to his parents.

We already told you before to tell Hesperus his real condition so he will have an idea but we ubderstand you both. We are also a parents and we will also do the same if our child have the same condition as Hesperus. Uncle said while looking at my baby's parents and he look at us.

Hesperus, do not be mad at your parents if they hide your condition. They only want you to live with normal life with nothing to worry about. He nod at uncle and smile tightly at him.
I understand and I will never be mad at them.

Hesperus, you are born with two organ it means you have female and male reproductive organs and while your growing up we did not see anything that your female reproductive organ is productive it means we only see that your male reproductive is productive because as you can see you grow up manly enough to be a man but it also means your undergoing in a late puberty stage and it is normal with those people like you. Do you understand your condition?!? We both shock it what we discover but eventually we nod at them. We already hear some condition like this but we don't know that my baby is experiencing like this.

Now, can you answer my question earlier?!? Aunt Aphrodite ask again and we nod shyly.

I don't think Hesperus is in the late puberty stage I already told you the symptoms already.
But we don't want to jump in conclusion without undergoing some test.
I know thats why I have another question. We eyed them with questioning look.

Don't lie to us Hesperus. Did you ever experience before until now that you have a menstruation.
No, I never felt like that be... Suddenly he stop as if he remember something.
Is it called menstruation if sometimes that I saw some blood coming out in my butt but it will only takes 2-3days?!? He said with fulk of confusion.

When did you start to have that?!? And why did not tell us?!? Her mom suddenly ask him.
When I am 12 years old and I did not tell it to you because I thought it is not important.

*sigh* Hesperus, everything that happening with all of our child is important and what you tell us it might be your menstruation already. It means your female reproductive organs is slightly productive in your early age and it might have the chance that you two wipl have your own child. I know it should be full of happiness but it has a consequence and you already experience it already. Be strong for each other and we never know your Aunt Aphrodite is right that Hesperus might be pregnant. Uncle said worriedly and I can feel my baby tensed again.

Nothing to worry I will do everything to protect them in the eyes of malicious people. I told them while looking direvtly in the eye of my baby and I kiss his hand and forehead.

So let's check if he is really pregnant.

End of flashback

Their is a cute little boy pulling my pants and asking me to carry him. My son, our son he is the unexpected happiness in our life. He brings joys to me and my baby. He is really a blessing to us.

Where is your dada?!? He point his dada and I can see that my baby is exhausted already.
Hey! Let's go upstairs first and you rest for awhile.
No, I am fine. Its been months already after we join them.
I know baby but they will understand if you will rest for awhile especially they know that my baby is a hands on dada to our son and not only to our son. Common I will call you if everything is ready already.

He nod at me atleast we can do our plan while he is sleeping with our son because I know my two babies are already sleepy at the moment. I will make sure that this day is another happiness in our life.

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