Pekos Birthday

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Fuyuhikos pov

Today was pekos birthday. Her and kazuikis birthdays are close so me and ibuki are planning a double birthday for them.

"ibukis going to make the best party for her sweet kazzy!"

"no fuck you I'm making the best goddamn party!" the others laughed at my outburst.

We planned to have the party in the gym. Miss yukizone is keeping them both back in class while we prepare. Everyone was helping out. Even that reserve course student hajime was invited.

"alright everyone I finished the cake" teruteru said coming out with two chocolate cakes. One with a wrench on top and one with a sword.

"and the decorations are looking pretty good if I do say so myself" ibuki grinned.

"everyone hide there coming!" chiaki said.

We turned the lights off and hid. Once they walked in we turned the lights on and yelled "surprise!"

They both looked shocked but then happy smiles spread across their faces.

"oh babe your the best!" kazuiki yelled running up to ibuki and kissing her multiple times on her face.

Peko kinda just stood there in disbelief.

"Well do I get a hug?" I asked opening my arms to her.

"of course you do" she said hugging me.

I spent the rest of the day partying with my friends and the love of my life.

kuzupeko oneshots Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang