Dark Shadow Over Me

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Tw: depression

Fuyuhikos pov

I've had a dark shadow over me ever since my sister died. I struggle to get out of bed, eat or even sleep. I just don't see the point in it when I'm so useless. Hell I couldn't even save my own baby sister!

I lay in bed with these dark thoughts in my head. I just missed so much. It hurt not having her around to start shit with me and it's not like I can talk to my parents about it either. They'll just say I'm being weak.

I heard the door open. I didn't bother to turn around. It's probably just my dad getting ready to yell at me for laying in bed for too long.

I felt a gentle hand rubbing my back "fuyuhiko?" peko said gently "you've been laying in bed alot lately and it's been a while since I've seen you eat. I'm feeling worried about you. Could you please tell me what's wrong?"

I teared up and hugged her chest "oh peko I just miss her so much! I know that makes weak but I-I-"

"shhhhh" peko said gently petting my head "it doesn't make you weak to miss your sister. You simply have a very kind heart and is going through some struggles at the moment. Now shall we get you something to eat?"

I nodded and followed her into the kitchen. Maybe I'm not so useless after all.

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